Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Orion Settings > Appearance.
  2. Use horizontal tabs (show tabs on top).
  3. Check “Always show website titles in tabs”.
  4. Open multiple websites until horizontal tab overflows.
  5. Select the last tab, keep the cursor on the tab, and scroll to the left so that the first tab appears.
  6. Move the cursor near the edges of the selected tab (the last tab).
  7. Note that the tab below the selected tab is highlighted and its tab preview is shown.

Expected behavior:

  1. The tab below the selected tab should not be highlighted.
  2. Tab preview should not activate for the tab that the cursor is not placed on.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion 0.99.125-rc (WebKit 616.1.22)
macOS 13.5


A video clip is worth a thousand words (36s). Incorrect tab preview is shown although my cursor is on the Kagi tab.

P.S. Orion browser website has blurry favicon?

  • Vlad replied to this.
    2 months later
    No one is typing