Brief Summary
This feature should add shortucts to tab overview: as an example, the easiest shortcut everyone uses everyday is CMD+W to close the tab. Right now it works kind of weird in tab overview and I demonstrate it in the first video. Now it doesn't matter where you hover your mouse, the CMD + W will close the tab from which you entered tab overview mode.

My idea is that it should work similar to Mission Control Plus application: you hover on specific tab, then CMD + W and that specific tab under your mouse is closed. I also show it in the second video where I hover on different terminal instances and then use CMD + W to close them one by one.

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Video 1 (how it works right now)

Video 2 (how it should work)

  • Vlad replied to this.

    Vlad Why this should be discoverable? It's a feature that makes life easier and a bit faster (if you use tab overview at all).
    I could say that tab overview is also not really a discoverable feature and most of users open it by mistake 😄

    This is more QoL improving feature, like shortcuts in CMD + Tab view

    • Vlad replied to this.

      i0mx9kk How does it make life easier if users do not know it exists?

        Vlad there are different types of users. There are some users who never use shortcuts and they are fine with that. Though power users who are mostly use shortcuts over the system would probably expect a shortcut there. And I think people would use this feature if it ever existed.

        Now the tab overview is almost useless feature because you can't do nothing in there except to.......look at your tabs in a grid view...and....close them with a trackpad?

        Why not make it more useful and easier to use?

        • Vlad replied to this.

          i0mx9kk Sure, but how do power users discoer the proposed shortcuts?

            Vlad they use them daily? lol

            somehow you know that cmd + w is to close the tab and cmd + q is to close the browser.

            and we already have this shortcuts, there's nothing new in this. My suggestion is to expand them to places where they should logically work.

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