Steps to reproduce:

  • Wait some time until about 150 tabs are open
  • Orion slowly becomes unresponsive
  • Sometimes when opening Orion it doesn’t open correctly/stays white or stays frozen
  • Closing 150 tabs takes 10 seconds

Expected behavior:

  • No performance decrease when having a lot of tabs open

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
1.2.7, 16.5, iPhone 12 Mini

<Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

    I'm not an expert when it comes to how Orion IOS allocates and offloads memory. But like all transistor based computers, there is a fundamental limit to how much data can in stored in memory, therefore when you approach that limit other processes can take longer and performance is reduced.

    150 tabs is excessive and if you didn't see a performance decrease I'd assume it's some form of witchcraft.

    An iPhone 12 Mini has 4GB of ram, having 150 tabs open at all is impressive.

      B4ND1T I‘m 99% with anything you said.

      Just I have no issues with Safari and 200 tabs in parallel to the 150 tabs in Orion. Which renders it an Orion issues anyway.

      What I expect is a memory management that can handle 500 tabs easily as it just means 450 urls to be stored (hybernated tabs) and maybe 50 „snapshoted“ tabs.

        10 days later

        I've noticed this with "only" 80 tabs in Orion. Switching between tabs is the interaction I notice slow down the most. This is with a new phone as well.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          ForumNinja404 We should have addressed this with the latest release. If this is not the case we would need at least a video of the slowdowns.

          Performance overall feels much better, once the favicon flickering goes away it should “feel” even faster. I tested it with 80 tabs and there was definitely an improvement. I also tested it with 150 and there wasn’t much lag when switching tabs, but there was when closing them. I think 150 tabs is nearing hardware limitations anyway.

            2 months later
            11 days later

            For me, this becomes an issue after 10-15 tabs (iPhone XR, iOS 16.6), so it’s hard to feel like Orion can compete with Safari if I have 11 tabs and suddenly the app has to be restarted (sometimes more than once) and close a couple tabs before it works as normal again… not sure what is happening here. Even if there are no media-heavy tabs like YouTube videos and such, it might just be search engine results pages and blog posts and a news articles or two. I am not sure how I can help resolve this…

            • Vlad replied to this.

              wanderingnetizen It took Safari almost 20 years to reach the level of polish you are comparing Orion to, an app in beta that luanched in app store less than a year ago. Patience and have some faith.

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