Not sure how to best reproduce this; when I make a microsoft teams meeting invite, then click the link to join the meeting, Orion does not launch Microsoft Teams. Nor can I click the "Launch Teams" button on the meeting page in Orion to launch Teams.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    8 months later

    Vlad if you just try to click on a link of ms teams call/event, it will send you to orion (if you set it as a default browser) because it detects callback (msteams://teams.microsoft.com/.......) but then you get the message "this url is not supported" and that's it.

      2 months later

      Can confirm that joining a teams meeting in native teams app from orion stopped working weeks ago.

        I can also confirm that bug.
        When I got an invite via mail, I opened the link in Orion and the "Launch it now" link does nothing.
        In Safari, it just opens Teams.

          Confirm this is not working. Teams uses the following protocol which fails to open in Orion:
          msteams:/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_@thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22&anon=true&deeplinkId=08b1&launchAgent=join_launcher&type=meetup-join&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true&fqdn=teams.microsoft.com (Note that I deleted some info in the context and the thread id for privacy).

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