Brief Summary
Allow us to add multiple websites to a password

Certain websites share an account. However, since we cannot add multiple websites to the same password, we need to either manually look up the password every time we log in or add the same password once for each website, which is problematic since anytime we change the password/username, we need to edit two passwords which is tedious. In apple keychain, since I can add multiple websites to the same password, I only need to make changes in one place.

Apple keychain -

Orion -

    Actually, I just realised that this only happens in keychain if the websites share the domain name. A better example would be bitwarden, where you can share logins between websites such as math.stackexchange.com and stackoverflow.com

    A more methodological solution that Bitwarden also implements is the choice for how the domain is matched, which can be adjusted like below.

      2 years later

      I exported my passwords from the MacOS Passwords app to a csv file and imported them into Orion.
      I now have a lot of duplicates in my Orion password manager. After some investigation, I see two cases:

      1. http & https url for otherwise the same url

      this results in 2 completely looking the same because the Orion password manager does not show the protocol

      1. an entry for which the platform Passwords app has multiple urls stored for the same site
        this results in 2 entries in the Orion password manager

      This is because the MacOS Passwords app allows multiple urls for a single 'password' entry and exports these as separate items in the csv export

      So what my wish would be for this feature is for it to work the same/similar to the platform Passwords app > in the data model allow for multiple urls for a single 'password' entry, and ideally merge them automatically on import as well when the same user & password is detected. An option to manually or automatically do that later would also be nice of course.

      There are a lot of sites that can have multiple urls, or login urls, or systems, but use a single account on all of these. Otherwise, one system can also have multiple urls, and of course have only a single account. If not combined > password managers also often complain about re-used passwords while these are actually just one login.

        Merged 3 posts from Add multiple urls to one Orion password manager entry and merge same user & password entries on import.
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