@Honcharenko For future reference, if you enable the "Show mouse clicks" feature on the native screen recorder, it shows that you are trying to click links and highlight text, rather than the viewer just assuming you are clicking.
Orion becoming unresponsive after opening links
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Same issue here. Happens on Google login, Google Drive doesn't load any documents from the main list and Amazon is also having the same issue. Tried resetting and no luck.
I'm having the same issue. It seems this latest release of Orion has been very unstable.
I'm also noticing that images sometimes "tear" after loading. See attached.
Issue #4733 seems to be related as well.
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Steps to reproduce:
- Open https://www.google.com
- Search for https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-531-19502-5_18
- Click on the google link and open the springer link
- Try to go back to www.google.com by hitting the back button or open any other website
- It shows the wanted address in the address bar but it doesn't render it. Actually, the tab doesn't do anything anymore.
Expected behavior:
- The tab shouldn't stop working
Orion, OS version; hardware type:, macOS Ventura 13.2, Macbook Air M2
<Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>
yeah I can reproduce, having the same issue
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JustinNoel For the love of God please do not post unrelated bugs in threads it is reading every single comment on this site is overwhelming enough for us already.
Everyone here, with no steps to reproduce nothing we really we can do.
Few suggestions
- Can you verify this is fixed with the latest RC (updated today)
- Can yo try Develop-> emty cache.
FwIw I never encountered this bug.
- Tried Develop empty cache, problem persists
- Tried via fresh installation of Orion RC, reproduce via rosenrot . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-531-19502-5_18 loaded and hanged, unresponsive click and right click on the page.
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Vlad Same as mentioned here. https://orionfeedback.org/d/4721-orion-becoming-unresponsive-after-opening-links/11
Also just clicking https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-531-19502-5_18 leads to the same result as mentioned here. https://orionfeedback.org/d/4721-orion-becoming-unresponsive-after-opening-links/18
rosenrot I noticed that the PDF view is not rendered while Safari works jus fine. I suspect it relates to the issue.
anhdeptrai The entire tab stops wotking for me as you can see from the GIF. Has nothing to do with PDFs for me.
rosenrot If you set a zoom out on Springer you can see that PDF renderer isn't working down in the bottom of the page.