Steps to reproduce:
Websites that call window.open("<url_here>", "_blank", "'noopener noreferrer'") opens a new window without the toolbar, toggling focus mode brings the toolbar back.

You can test with this website: https://tilde.xvvvyz.xyz

  • type anything
  • hit enter
  • new windows open without toolbar

Expected behavior:
the toolbar should be displayed, like safari does

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
macOS Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)


    I've had this issue with some GSuite apps opting to open links like this. I could not get a video without leaking personal information, but I have also noticed this in the last several releases.

      Cat marked this discussion as a potential duplicate of
      . A moderator will investigate shortly.

        its a popup window, so certain window features arent shown

          2 months later
          No one is typing