I'm thinking it should disable when the computer is charging (or if it's charging and above a certain percentage)
It is a bit annoying to manually disable Low Power Mode when you have a full battery.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    4 days later

    BomberFish I can imagine some users being annoyed by it turning off automatically. What could be a good middle ground?

      An option. Low power should be considered 30%, as when you reach 20% the battery degrades, so ideally you want to keep it between 20-80% to preserve battery lifespan. The Macbook M1 chip has unlimited battery although… 

        2 months later
        3 months later

        There could be a checkbox to turn on Low Power Mode automatically when your laptop is on battery power.

          5 days later
          20 days later

          Vlad I'll take a stab — in a sense I guess I've been looking at this much like the iOS Low Power Mode, which I can manually enable of course, but also I believe it automatically kicks in at 20% and tunes off once battery reaches 80%.

          These seem like reasonable guidelines, although if I were to be greedy (!) I'd suggest perhaps you could make it possible for users to set those thresholds, perhaps behind an "Advanced…" button so as to keep things simple for most users.

          The other obvious model is the macOS Battery preferences which gives you 2 groups of settings for when you're on Battery and on Power Adapter.

          Personally, in that case I'd have Orion Low Power Mode set to turn on as toon as I'm on battery.

          Hmmmm, I've been away for a while, I guess I'm talking about the same as I mentioned here: https://orionfeedback.org/d/1069-power-saving-user-settings-aka-auto-enable-low-power-mode-on-battery

          …and @Vlad suggested I come up with a concrete proposal! 😆

          Guess I should try to think it through more. 🤔💭

          • Vlad replied to this.

            transeunt I think we do offer lower power mode when battery levels falls below (10%?)

            So your suggestion is when to activate lower power mode? Can you suggest all the options there?

              a year later

              Vlad orion could send another notif suggesting to turn it off at 30% while charging

              iOS sends this notif at 80%
              maybe follow and do something similar

              No one is typing