Steps to reproduce:
When the Grammarly extension is used in google docs it is supposed to automatically correct a grammar issue by simply clicking on the suggestion however on Orion, the correction isn't completed and the cursor just moves.

Expected behavior:
The correction is supposed to auto inserted into the google doc. For instance "candy" should be "the candy" but it doesn't insert it into google docs.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version (WebKit 614.1.20)
MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey 12.4 build 21F79)

    Steps to reproduce:
    Just open up a google doc and type text

    Expected behavior:
    What should happen is that Grammarly should detect the text and change it when you click on it to change it. For me it detects the mistake but does not change it when you click the button to change itu

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    Orion version - beta (latest)
    macOS Monetery 12.6.1
    M1 Mackbook air


    • Vlad replied to this.
      Merged 2 posts from Grammarly not changing text in google docs.

        Vlad Yes. Grammarly is installed from the popular extensions, however it still does not work.

          Vlad Same for me, I installed it from the popular extensions page, it still didnt work

            9 months later

            Vlad Same for me, I've installed from popular extensions and its still not working. Any updates on this?

              25 days later

              For me, the app installed via "popular extensions" just circles indefinitely upon grammar check. This works fine in other browsers.

                5 months later

                Still broken. Even clicking "sign in" over a spinning thingy in textareas does nothing anymore.

                  5 days later

                  @Vlad hi, are there any plans to work on this? Grammarly is one of the most popular extensions on chrome web store (with over than 51 million users) and I wish we could use it in Orion.

                    21 days later

                    Grammarly doesn't work. I am tired.

                    Sometimes it works and most time, it is asking me to sign in when I am already logged in.

                    Is this going to be fixed anytime soon?

                      2 months later

                      Installed through "popular extensions", works on all other websites except google docs, turned off all other extensions for google docs, still doesn't work


                        Is this going to be fixed anytime soon?

                        the general answer we can get is that it will be added to the backlog pile with other thousands of issues. I've switched back to chrome as using orion recently is distracting as much as possible, instead of doing my stuff I have to keep opening bugs in this forum.

                          Using the Grammarly extension linked from the popular extensions feature, the authenticated session is not stored in the plugin. I have a Grammarly subscription, but I cannot use the additional features because Grammarly's extensions view me as not logged in.

                          Proof of session existing in browser (send there via extension, you can see in the URL: https://app.grammarly.com/?utm_medium=internal&utm_source=signinHook&fromExtension=true)

                          Here's the extension showing me as not authenticated.

                          When signing in via the Grammarly website, the extension hooks into the authentication and updates accordingly with my Grammarly session.

                          Orion RC (WebKit 619.1.1)
                          macOS Version 14.1.1 (Build 23B81)

                          Session Info:

                          Enabled Extensions:

                          • uBlock Origin (firefox)
                          • Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App (firefox)
                          • 1Password – Password Manager (chrome)

                          Disabled Extensions:

                          Non Default Settings:

                          • AlwaysShowToolbarInFullScreen => 1
                          • AutofillEnabled => 0
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                          • WebAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled => 0
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                          • WebExtAutomaticUpdates => 1
                          • WebExtsLastUpdatedDate => 2024-03-15 17:21:13 +0000
                          • ContentBlockingListStates => {
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                          • BrowsersFromDataImported => (
                            "Mozilla Firefox"
                          • GlobalFirstLaunchActions => 3
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                          • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
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                          • WillInstallUpdate => 0
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                          • CurrentOpenSidebar => verticalTabs
                          • BookmarksSidebarWidth => 142.5
                          • CloseOtherProfilesOnQuit => 0
                          • QuitWithConfirmation => 0
                          • CurrentToolbarSize => small
                          • ActiveLibraryTab => extensions
                          • ActivePreferenceTab => orionPlus
                          • BookmarksBarStyle => iconAndText
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                          • OrionPlusSubscriptionData => {length = 58, bytes = 0x7b227374 61747573 223a2261 63746976 ... 6e74223a 3135307d }

                          Orion RC (WebKit 619.1.1)

                          Sonoma (14)

                            Same here. The authentication worked before (pre december updates), but the validation didn't work back then.

                              23 days later
                              5 months later
                              Merged 3 posts from Grammarly session does not save.

                                When trying to use the Grammarly extension, it does not work correctly which is a feature needed for me personally.

                                When using the Grammarly extension, there should be a small icon in the bottom left of applicable websites that checks grammar, however, the extension instead on Orion when trying to install from both Chrome and Firefox just won't let you log in, and even when you click login and login it just still asks you to login, therefore not working. I attached an image of what it should look like, and what it looks like in Orion. Photos here:

                                Version (WebKit 619.

                                Sequoia (15)

                                • Vlad replied to this.