Steps to reproduce:
Performing a web search through Google and hovering with the mouse above any link results in a beachball being displayed and tab freezing. This happens for less than a second, then the page works normally.

This happens everytime with extensions enabled or disabled, with compatibility mode set to on or off. I'm not sure what is happening.

This happens on other websites, but for the reproducibility's sake I'm reporting the behaviour with Google.

Expected behavior:
Not having the page hanging

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
MBP Pro 16'' Intel i7
macOS Ventura 13.1 beta beta build 22C5033e ->> yes I'm on a beta version. This behaviour does not happen with Safari 16.1 (18614. nor Google Chrome or Edge.

Orion (WebKit 614.1.20)

There was a screencap here, but it seems that QuickTime removes the beachball...?

Section updated with video taken from phone:

** Debug Info **
Orion (WebKit 614.1.20)
macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C5033e)

Session Info:

Enabled Extensions:

Disabled Extensions:

  • Return YouTube Dislike (chrome)
  • uBlock Origin (firefox)
  • Reddit Enhancement Suite (firefox)

Non Default Settings:

  • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-11-01 00:00:00 +0000
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  • BookmarksLastSynced => 1667722330517.867
  • ReadingListLastSynced => 1667722330538.383
  • Vlad replied to this.
    17 days later

    EdwinLand The behavior is observable from your video, however it is not reproducible. I cna open Google and click without issues.

    We will need better steps to reproduce the issues (starting from a clean install).

      11 days later

      I love that Orion is faster on Speedometer 2.1, and I love suspending tabs (Low Power mode… working on my tab hoarding!), but these beachball issues are my #1 blocker to daily use of Orion. In practice the slower rendering Safari feels more responsive (less obvious UI blocking).

      I'll try to set aside some time to demonstrate and reproduce — FWIW, it feels like most of the time it's JS blocking the UI, as it seems to mostly happen when most of the page paint has finished, but often when JS are triggered on page load, like 'special offers' etc.

      At the moment, for me, it basically happens with every tab opened, whether fore or background, and any new window spawned. Likewise, I'll get beachballs when authenticating (autocompleting Keychain entries).

      Other times I wonder if it 'must' be non-rendering tasks, like writing history, synching or something…? This is probably most biased by the long 'hangs' when adding or editing Bookmarks in Orion. On that front I guess I should test by 'factory' resetting Orion to see if the number of open tabs or bookmarks have any role.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        transeunt Without steps to reproduce it is hard for us to say why you see it. I never see beachballs but I don't use any extensions and if I had to guess - it is probably caused by extensions. People tend to load Orion with 5-6 extensions which they can not do in Safari and then notice slowdowns caused by extensions interacting with the page.

        Give us steps to reproduce just one of these beachball issues with a clean Orion install and we'll fix it.

          22 days later

          Vlad sorry to be brief, but twice now this page has refreshed out of nowhere and lost my response (loaded in Orion with Compatibility Mode and Low Power Mode enabled to disable extensions and minimise memory load.)

          This "blocking UI" issue is very hard to reliably capture and give reproduction steps as it appears to be endemic and random, presumably based on some internal conditions/thresholds; I presume memory or some bottleneck in multi-process handling, but I'm no dev.

          QT screen recording doesn't capture the rainbow cursor, so instead I wiggle the cursor to indicate when the UI is blocked, along with attempting to scroll the page. Therefore when a tab is opened in the background and the UI blocks you will see the page scroll pause, and recommence once unblocked.

          I do the same in Safari and this kind of UI blocking is much, much less common, while it ends up feeling like every few tab (or new page) load blocks the UI and robs Orion of it's otherwise hugely laudable speed benefit over other browsers. I wish it weren't so.

          • Vlad replied to this.


            sorry to be brief, but twice now this page has refreshed out of nowhere and lost my response (loaded in Orion with Compatibility Mode and Low Power Mode enabled to disable extensions and minimise memory load.)

            Sorry for that. You should have access to saved drafts on this site when this happens (look for icon next to search bar)

            Can you try Develop -> Empty cache to see if this removes the occurances of this? Additionally disabling all extensions for a while.

            Showming more videos of blocking unfortunately does not help us move forward. Majority of users do not experience this (or this would be the most upvoted post on the site) so whatever is causing it has to be specific for a certain setup and without knowing the source or steps to reproduce our hands are tied.

              No one is typing