I am not really sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but it seems that Profiles other than the "Default" one are not synced via iCloud. Perhaps this is hard to do with the current implementation or is planned.

Steps to reproduce:
Have two desktop computers using Orion and syncing via iCloud. Create a new profile on machine A.

Expected behavior:
I would expect the new profile to appear, after a couple of minutes, on machine B as an available profile with its own history, bookmarks, etc.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:, macOS Ventura.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    pantulis We are not considering syncing profiles yet, but will in the future. Profile is not really synced if the website data is not synced with it. It would just be 'copied' and then you would need to sign into all websites again etc. What is the use case you have?

      This is how I was thinking iCloud Synced Profiles could work: The concept of syncing would be controlled at a Profile level. That is, you could have both synced and non-synced profiles on a single physical machine. (i.e. 2 machines on one iCloud account could have their own independent set of local profiles)

      User configurability: Add a new checkbox to the Profile Edit screen to select whether the Profile should be synced. This Profile checkbox state should be the same as the value that shows up in Settings, when accessed for that Profile (i.e. the checkbox in the profile edit and settings screen for the profile would be "synced" -- sorry for duplicate use of the word, couldn't think of anything better 😅)


        My main use case is having two profiles: one for personal use, another for work and having the bookmarks, (and perhaps window and tab history) sync between my work laptop and my personal one for both profiles, because these days I may work from home (or may do personal stuff while at the office)

        I have the feeling that this idea of profile syncing may be against the original concept of profiles in Orion, which I gather is more about privacy & isolation than about syncing stuff separately between computers.

        Having website data (like cookies, persistent storage, signed in services an so on) is not that important, signing again in the other machine after profile has been "synced" would be fine for my use case.

          20 days later
          2 months later

          Late chime-in here, but want to add my voice to this or maybe the vision. It would be nice for all (or selected) profiles to sync across machines.

          Use-case: My browser is my window to the world, personal world, work world etc. etc. And setting up the browser or various profiles take a significant amount of time. So let's say I set up a work profile, it'd be nice if it syncs across all my machines so that I don't have to repeat the work on all the machines. This is especially important if bookmarks etc. are also inter-profiles, which is the case with Orion.

          I know you have already added it to the roadmap. Just wanted to add my use-case.

          • Vlad replied to this.

            vkt Which profile feature are most important for you to sync ?

              Basically, all of them. Bookmarks, passwords, open tabs and named windows.

              I think that web-browsers have become OSes in themselves (no pun intented at Chrome). So, when switching from my desktop to my laptop, I'd like my browser to move with me in its entirity. If I have configured a personal profile, a work profile, and a finance profile on my desktop, I wouldn't want to have to reconfigure them on my laptop.

              Caution: I do think that with Profiles, Named Windows, and Containers/Sessions, we do run into a risk of feature bloat. They're all very similar -- not the same but similar.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                vkt Agreed make your voice heard on our Discod and Sessins discussions.

                  Would be happy to join. Could you point me to the links? I couldn't find them.

                  • Vlad replied to this.
                    7 months later
                    a month later

                    This would be simply fantastic to have. Are there any plans to implement this?

                    In the interim, if one were to setup a symlink to the ~/Library/Application\ Support/Orion/<profilename>/ and place it in a sync’d location - that would serve to be a poor man’s sync… yes?

                      7 days later

                      Definitely another vote for this, thank you.

                        16 days later

                        Adding a vote for this! For me the profile itself and bookmarks are the most important things. Open tabs would be a bonus, but less important.

                          2 months later

                          Yes please! Synching all profiles would be great.