
First of all I would like to thank the Orion developing team for the huge work and investment in the project, the browser is now more stable than ever following the last couple of updates and hotfixes. Having said that, I noticed that there is a very minor bug when viewing a video (no matter the website, say YouTube for example), upon hitting the F key to enter fullscreen mode there is a small grey bar on the top on no-notch macs, this I believe happened as well in the earlier 15.0 versions of Safari but were ironed since, is there a way to fix the minor graphical issue and align it with Safari? I definitely am moving slowly towards daily driving Orion for the next couple of weeks, including for professional uses. Looking forward for the next updates, namely the touch bar integration on touch bar macs!

Kind regards,

  • Vlad replied to this.

    Ahmed I am not seeing this. can you provide more details?

      Sure, here's a video demonstrating the issue. I went into fullscreen three times to prove the point. Watch the grey bar above upon going into fullscreen. This issue was also present in Safari but after some updates it disappeared.

      Here's a link where you can view the video, I can't upload it to this forum for whatever reason :


      • Vlad replied to this.

        Ahmed I watched the video and could not spot the issue. Can you show a screenshot and cicrcle the affected area?

          These are two screenshots for comparison:

          Orion :

          Safari :

          The grey bar is absent in Safari, but is present for two or three seconds before fading away. Safari 16.1 on M1 MBP

          • Vlad replied to this.

            Ahmed the grey area seems to be a part of the video? Not sure why would you chose to show different videos to compare this?

              Vlad No totally not, I just haven't found that same video on my feed. Try it and see if you have the same bug. The videos are different but the grey rectangle isn't part of the video)

                I did try fullscreen and did not see anything, this is why I was asking for all the details 🙂 Still do not see anything strange in your video so will wait for further clarification.

                  Vlad Ok no worries! If other users experience such bugs please don't hesitate to share us your findings.

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