Steps to reproduce:

  • Open tab overview
  • Close a tab (with more than one open)
  • You are forced to leave tab overview and are placed in the most recent tab
    (Cannot close more than one tab at a time)

Expected behavior:
Ability to close more than one tab while in Tab Overview.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
App version: 1.1.7 (2) (WebKit 8614.
System version: 16.2.0
Device type: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Native bounds: (1284.0, 2778.0)
Scale: 3.0
Regular tabs: 4/4/4/orion://newtab/
Private tabs: 0/0/0/(


    Steps to reproduce:
    Open multiple tabs and close one. Rather than stay on tab view, it auto selects next tab in order to opens it.

    Expected behavior:

    After close a tab it should remain in tab view, to allow user to select which tab they want to proceed with

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    iOS 16.1 and Orion 1.1.7


    Ah damn, I meant to select mobile as category

      Merged 2 posts from Prevent closure of tab fallback to open next tab.

        Steps to reproduce:
        When multiple tabs are open and I try to close them one-by-one. The previous tab opens fullscreen. Safari does not behave in the same why, unless it's only two open tabs.

        Expected behavior:
        I would expect the tabs to remain in thumbnail-size, so I can close multiple tabs in one go (or even better, have an option to close all tabs)

        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
        Orion 1.1.7, iOS 16.1 bèta (20B79), iPhone 13 mini


          Merged 1 post from Closing multiple tabs.

            Safari doesn’t redirect to the next tab when closing any tab in tab gallery view:

            Orion keeps on redirecting to the next tab when ever user closes any tab in tab gallery view. Which is annoying and frustrating:

              I’m experiencing the similar issue in my iPhone with the last version 1.1.7.

              The last tab should be persistent as in the tab view, shouldn’t open it when other tabs are closed and last one present.

                Merged 2 posts from Closing a tab in gallery view should not redirect to the next tab.
                  16 days later
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