[btw, this relates to Vertical Tabs positioning].
I understand that it's relevant for some occasions, to nest the child under the parent it was spawned from, but there're many times when I find it very unproductive as most of the time the new tab I'm opening from cmd-click is not necessarily related to it

    I'd also like to add that I perceive each new tab as a separate entity, nearly most of the time, so having the option to just have a normal list (like how Edge on Mac does it), should be an option. TBH, this is one of the reasons I still go back to Edge.

    The juxtaposition of the tabs names not being aligned is very distracting. Yes, maybe useful for some, but could you make this an option, thank you.

    Great work btw, thank you for this app 🙏

      If this is already an option, please let me know because I've searched everywhere to see if I can just turn it off. Likewise with the 'Window x' dropdown which I cannot find a reason to use, and is just so weird seeing it all the time, and before the back button.

      I use Stage Manager with only single window shown, and just cmd + ' through then all, or just use the Window tab in the Mac menu bar. I honestly cannot see a reason, at least for myself, as to why this function exists.

      I'm not one of those people who keeps bookmarks or organises tabs into sets, or windows, color codes them, etc. I used to back in 00s keep my bookmark folders organised, now I see no point.

      I just like to find the info when I need it, or type the first few letters of site I go to frequently.

      Ain't nobody got time to be organising all their tabs

        Seriously, I try to move things out of the parent, and it creates a new one, and it's a mess. Can I please just turn off Nested Tabs

          4 months later

          Looks like the new “Show Nested Vertical Tabs” option in the latest beta could address this?

          But as a tangential note, the latest stable Safari in macOS Ventura seems to natively support showing non-hierarchical vertical tabs (though just as it gained this option, which works via tab groups, it lost the option to hide the regular tab bar, quite annoyingly).

            17 days later
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