Vlad I understand and respect the system and procedure you are trying to establish. I see that from your perspective it's difficult to "reproduce" the issue itself since you have so many reports, hence why you require specific steps. Let me know if you observe the bug and if I can help in any other way.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Normal work browsing over the course of an hour (Slack, Jira, Confluence, Gmail, etc). Orion CPU use jumps to 140% in activity monitor. I close each tab individually, and CPU does not drop significantly. All Orion windows closed, and CPU use remains high.

    I need to close Orion completely to stop processor use.

    Sorry, I screwed up the screen shot, tried to show Orion had no windows open. But it does show the Activity Monitor level of use, and there were no windows/tabs open in Orion.
    Expected behavior:
    When all windows are closed, processor use should drop to near 0.

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    Version (WebKit 614.1.12)
    System Version: macOS 12.4 (21F79)
    Model Identifier: MacBookAir10,1


    So far no CPU thrashing today, so have not been able to reproduce.

      Was doing it again this morning. CPU usage spiked to >150%, and even after closing all windows it continued.

      Any suggestions for more detailed capture of what threads Orion is burning processor on when this happens?

      • Vlad replied to this.
        10 days later

        Neal You can profile process through activity monitor. You did not specify if you tried compatibility mode (an extension may be causing this).

          7 months later

          I saw the same thing today. I closed all windows and disabled the one extension I had, but this Orion process continued using 100% CPU

            Anyone posting here should know that without steps to reproduce, your posts are not getting us anywhere nearer to the solution.

              6 days later
              Merged 6 posts from 140% CPU usage even after all windows closed.

                Steps to reproduce:

                1. Go to https://app.clockify.me/tracker start a time counter
                2. Open Activity Monitor (Mac)
                3. Watch CPU usage for that "Orion Web Content" thread rise to around 100% (on a MacBook Air M1) - even when it is not the active tab (if that makes a difference)
                4. Switching to compatibility mode does not help

                Expected behavior:
                CPU usage should stay around 2% - 5%, comparing with

                • Chrome for Mac Version 104.0.5112.79,
                • Safari Version 15.5 (17613.
                • earlier versions of Orion

                Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                Orion Version 0.99.119-beta (WebKit 615.1.1)
                MacBook Air M1 2020 (macOS Monterey 12.4 build 21F79)

                <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

                • Vlad replied to this.

                  Yes, I can confirm that Safari v15.5 hovers around 1.6% - 3.5% CPU on same hardware when running a clockify timer.
                  Also, earlier versions of Orion did not have a high CPU load when using clockify. Might it perhaps be a conflict with some old cache or something?

                    Ok It seems that just loading that dashboard causes high CPU with latest Orion.

                      5 months later
                      Merged 4 posts from High CPU usage on https://app.clockify.me/tracker when tracking time.

                        Steps to reproduce:

                        1. Go to: https://512pixels.net/projects/aqua-screenshot-library/mac-os-x-10-1-puma/
                        2. Click on the first image in the gallery.
                        3. Spam the right-arrow key.
                        4. Do the same with Safari.

                        Expected behavior:
                        To be Safari's performance or better.

                        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                        Orion 0.99.110-beta (WebKit 613.1.12)
                        macOS Version 12.2 (Build 21D5025f)

                        Session Info:

                        Enabled Extensions:

                        • uBlock Origin (firefox)
                        • Bypass Paywalls Clean (firefox)
                        • Google Translate (chrome)
                        • Bitwarden - Free Password Manager (chrome)

                        Disabled Extensions:

                        • ClearURLs (firefox)

                        Non Default Settings:

                        • AutofillEnabled => 0
                        • ShowFullWebsiteAddress => 1
                        • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-01-06 00:00:00 +0000
                        • CustomAppIcon => appicon2
                        • CustomAppIconData => {length = 234814, bytes = 0x89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 ... 49454e44 ae426082 }
                        • ShowBackgroundImageOnStartPage => 0
                        • backgroundImageOnStartPage => file:///System/Library/Desktop%20Pictures/Monterey%20Graphic.heic
                        • isBackgroundImageDarkOnStartPage => 1
                        • ShowRecommendationsOnStartPage => 1
                        • DownloadLocation => /Volumes/Cryptomator/pixel_phone/separator
                        • FirstLaunch => 0
                        • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
                        • FocusMode => 0
                        • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
                        • LastUsedBuildVersion => 110
                        • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 110
                        • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-01-11 08:56:42 +0000
                        • NetworkPredictionEnabled => 0
                        • NextBookmarkID => 35
                        • NextDownloadID => 136
                        • SavedWindowSize => 1280.0,707.0
                        • SavedWindowPosition => -0.0,708.0
                        • SearchSuggestEnabled => 0
                        • TabStyle => treeStyle
                        • QuitWithConfirmation => 1
                        • CurrentToolbarSize => small
                        • VerticalTabsWidth => 192
                        • ActivePreferenceTab => privacy
                        • ReaderModeFontName => San Francisco!<


                        Here's a test with Compatibility Mode enabled:

                          nermur changed the title to Going through an Image Gallery has higher CPU usage than Safari, and lags extremely hard .

                            I am able to reproduce this issue. Orion pegs CPU @ 99%. Safari hits low teens (like 14%). I won't upload a video due to bandwidth limitations but it's the same behaviour as @nermur .

                            Orion 0.99.110-beta (WebKit 613.1.12)
                            macOS Version 12.1 (Build 21C52)

                            Session Info:

                            Enabled Extensions:

                            • Bitwarden - Free Password Manager (firefox)
                            • SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip Sponsorships (firefox)
                            • Request Control (firefox)
                            • Dark Reader (firefox)
                            • Reddit Enhancement Suite (firefox)

                            Disabled Extensions:

                            Non Default Settings:

                            • AlwaysShowToolbarInFullScreen => 0
                            • AutofillEnabled => 0
                            • PreferredBookmarkFolderId => 3
                            • HistorySuggestionsEnabled => 1
                            • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-01-06 00:00:00 +0000
                            • CustomAppIconData => {length = 0, bytes = 0x}
                            • isBackgroundImageDarkOnStartPage => 0
                            • DownloadLocation => /Users/spencer/Downloads
                            • AskForEachDownload => 1
                            • FirstLaunch => 0
                            • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
                            • FocusMode => 0
                            • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
                            • ShowErrorIndicator => 0
                            • ReaderModeBorderShadowEnabled => 0
                            • LastUsedBuildVersion => 110
                            • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 110
                            • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-01-11 08:23:09 +0000
                            • NetworkPredictionEnabled => 0
                            • NextBookmarkID => 20
                            • NextDownloadID => 159
                            • OpenNewTabsInForeground => 0
                            • SavedWindowSize => 756.0,472.0
                            • SavedWindowPosition => -0.0,472.0
                            • SearchSuggestEnabled => 1
                            • ShowPrivacyButtonNotifications => 0
                            • BookmarksSidebarVisible => 0
                            • BookmarksSidebarVisibleOnStartPageOnly => 0
                            • BookmarksSidebarWidth => 240
                            • QuitWithConfirmation => 0
                            • CurrentToolbarSize => small
                            • VerticalTabsWidth => 315
                            • ActivePreferenceTab => search
                            • UseTabSwitcherUI => 0
                            • UndoTabClose => 0

                              I rebooted with the laptop unplugged so it uses only its display (not the two monitors via DisplayLink), same results:

                                a year later
                                Merged 5 posts from Going through an Image Gallery has higher CPU usage than Safari, and lags extremely hard.

                                  It seems that com.orion.start_page.icon-updater queue is doing something over and over again. Process sample is attached.

                                  Steps to reproduce:

                                  1. Let Orion run for a day and open new tabs with default Start Page now and then.
                                  2. At first the Start Page icons are loaded, but after a while the icons are not displayed but only placeholders are displayed and Orion starts to have high CPU usage.

                                  Expected behavior:
                                  <What you expected to happen?>

                                  Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                                  Orion (WebKit 613.1.12)
                                  Mac OS 12.1 (21C52)
                                  MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)


                                  Process Sample

                                  • Vlad replied to this.
                                    13 days later

                                    Today I do a fresh installation of Orion and play with it a while, adding some websites to favorites etc.

                                    A moment later, I found my MacBook Air very hot, I check activity monitor and found out that CPU usage for Orion is very high.

                                    Probably related to this issue.