• Multiple monitors: re-load open windows on launch doesn't remember correct monitor

  • BugsDesktopDone

Steps to reproduce:
I'm lucky to run 2 external monitors on my MBP but unfortunately on re-launch Orion does not re-load open windows/tabs on the correct monitor, it appears to consistently default to reopening windows on the built-in LCD only.

  1. Set "Orion open with" preference to "All non-private windows from last session"
  2. Create multiple new windows and load a URL in each
  3. Move a window to each available monitor
  4. Quit and re-launch Orion
  5. Orion will re-load the windows from last session on the 'default' screen (in this case, built-in LCD)
  6. Under the same circumstances Safari (and STP, Firefox, Chrome) will reopen windows on the correct monitor, in the same dimensions and same on screen location (when not maximised to fill the screen)
  7. Windows minimised to the Dock when opened again will restore the page to the correct previous monitor

Expected behavior:
Ideally Orion would behave like the other major macOS browsers and retain the correct monitor, window dimensions and on-screen location (coordinates)

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion (WebKit 614.1.12)
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258)

    Ahh, already fixed in latest RC Version (WebKit 614.1.12)

    Wonderful! Thanks for all your efforts 🦾 🚀

    • Vlad replied to this.

      Vlad yes, I pasted the wrong version number in my followup, it’s actually 114 that’s fixed the issue. 👍

      Sorry Vlad I'm getting a bit confused here it seems…!

      Seeing mention of "114" I downloaded and replaced my previous build, which then autoupdated to (WebKit 614.1.12) but I'm afraid that build still exhibits the problem (on re-launch it opens all windows on the default/built-in screen.)

      …so, now I'm confused why it worked at one point but I can't reproduce any more.

      Will of course check on "114" when I get access. Sorry for the back-and-forth.

        7 days later

        Confirming that version (WebKit 614.1.12) appears to correctly restore windows to the correct external monitor under most circumstances.

        One instance I've had today when it failed was after I had to quit Orion after it appeared to be failing to re-load any page after it had been hidden in the background for a while.

        i.e. Orion appeared to have essentially stalled but not actually 'crashed' in any meaningful way.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          transeunt If you feel like it is reproducible open a new issue with exact steps

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