That's the opposite of what I'm asking for.

First of all, having automatically logged into a default profile means I have to have a redundant profile only for the first login which I will never use. Because I use profiles for branching. 1 profile for Youtube, 1 for research, 1 for social media, 1 for dev, 1 for.... and so on. Having a default empty profile only to switch into one of these specialized profiles is just redundant. A prompt would be ideal for this.

Second, "relaunch the entire browser into another profile, and want the old one back just relaunch into the old one". That again defies the main intent of profiles. That would mean I can't have 3-5 different profiles open simultaneously.

    Soum I think in that case having containers makes more sense, that is a separate contained instance of the browser within the same contained window, much like what Firefox is doing, because having several instances of the same application can be confusing and use lots of resources, while a container approach or relaunching into another profile makes sense, because the idea behind a profile is that one would be for say Kyleigh, another for Josh, and another for Becka, what that means is that if a single user account on a shared computer is used that a user can simply choose their profile, so that accounts dont mix and saved searches dont get shared, on a single user system for isolation containers makes more sense...

    Soum Can you describe the use case for profiles, and how should profiles co-exist with containers (another frequently requested feature?)

      Vlad In my opinion profiles are not very useful for most people, especally since a multi user system either has separate user accounts or often it is for a family computer where profiles may be unneeded clutter, and for single user systems like laptops they are outright useless if containers are available, plus containers are more convinent than profiles, coexisting does not seem easy, as really even Firefox has both but one is more available and therefore more used but having both would be confusing for some users especally both visible to people who dont need both...

        a month later

        I only use containers/profiles so I can login to multiple Facebook/gmail accounts

        One is a work account and the other is personal

        It would also be useful when a guest wants to use my laptop and they can login without logging me out. I think having a work/perosnal/guest profile would be good. I am not sure how you would implement it.

        At the moment I use private window but its not as seamless. It would be cool to have different chrome/firefox extensions for each profile so I can use separate bit warden accounts

          optuma I believe containers (in firefox) and profiles (in chrome) differ significantly. There are users who prefer one or the other functionality which makes this feature difficult to spec out.

          • Soum replied to this.
            2 months later

            Vlad other than what optuma said, profiles also has another useful usecase. When you're using more than one browser, you'll be using a tool like OpenIn or Browserosaurus. When you click a link in Apple mail and then choose your preferred browser for that link from OpenIn or Browserosaurus or similar, it'll open the default container in firefox. No matter if you have a work / shopping container opened. It'll still open default container. So you're always exposed with this. But with profiles, if you have opened the profile in which you want the link to open, then it opens in that profile. I just tested this by having two profiles opened in Brave. The result was that the link is opened in whatever profile was last opened. Atleast it doesn't open in the default profile always, unlike in containers.

            But containers has their usecases as well. It's very easy to right click a link within firefox and press "open link in new tab container" and then select which container you want that link to open.

            So both profiles and containers have their use cases. And that's my point. Firefox has both profiles and containers. YES, firefox has profiles as well. Not many people know about this. But the profiles in firefox doesn't have the prompt that brave has, that prompt is absolutely amazing. Deleting a profile in firefox somehow doesn't delete the actual folders of that profile if you reveal it in finder. So the profiles in firefox isn't perfect.

            How about we do things perfectly that other browsers don't? Orion can be the second browser to implement both profiles and containers, after firefox, but unlike firefox we can improve the profiles and make it work like brave. Then Orion will be the only browser that does it best for both the worlds.

            Apple always waits for the competition to experiment with new technology then they are the last to implement that technology because they don't just want to release it hastily, they want to do it the best way possible. It's Steve Jobs legacy. So I think Orion should also follow this path and implement both but by understanding where both brave and firefox lacks and then we can do it better.

            Hope this helps in decision!

            Vlad changed the title to Profiles like Chromium browsers .

              Add me to the list of people who would like to see profiles implemented.

              As a Google user (both personally and at work), the capacity to split my browser life into to distinct "experiences" is so valuable. When I use Chrome, separate (and synced) profiles mean:

              • Separate Google logins, with no confusing switch between user accounts (e.g. being logged into YouTube personally and Drive professionally, and then having to switch back and forth)
              • Separate password vaults
              • Separate histories and bookmarks
              • I can save credit card information in my Personal profile and not have it in my work profile

              I'm sure there are other reasons too, but they're some of the main ones.

              13 days later

              I have not used FF Containers but will be giving it a try. Though I use Profiles extensively in Brave. I have my work account, personal account, Social and many other apps like various AWS Consoles for multiple accounts open all at the same time. Profiles allow me to login to them individually. I love the privacy features of Orion (just one day of use so far) and I like that it is not Chrome based. Thank you!

                21 days later

                Profiles would be greatly appreciated here too. I'd love to be able to seperate my work and personal logins / history / bookmarks.

                  2 months later
                  24 days later

                  Ah... I was looking for this feature as well as a new Orion user, glad to see it should show up soon ! I hope profiles will be memorized in each window after a restart.

                  12 days later

                  Also a new orion user and cant wait for this feature!

                  a month later
                  12 days later

                  Any updates on this? I want to switch to orion, but can't without profiles

                    8 days later