I want cookies kept, but not history. Private mode removes both. A simple “disable history” toggle would be fine.

This feature would be similar to DuckDuckGo’s fireproof sites.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    4 days later

    ForumNinja404 Ok I imagined you wanted this per site isntead of a global setting. Can you give an example of a use case for this?

      An example use case would be someone who wants to hide their history, and closes their tabs frequently, but doesn’t want to sign in when opening them again.

      I like private mode, but it doesn’t save cookies. It’s annoying to sign in every time just so the browser doesn’t save history. My preferred implementation would be per-site just like DuckDuckGo’s fireproof sites. (Those sites don’t clear their data when closed) If it were implemented per site, the toggle could be called “keep site data” and be placed in a website’s settings page.

      The only reason I asked for it as a global toggle is because it would be easier to implement. Private mode with cookie persistence is the same as normal mode with no history, if that makes sense.

      I want cookies kept, but history discarded. The implementation doesn’t matter IMO.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Vlad Sure, something like that. It’s just that I never use history (have an extension to save sites for later) and don’t want everything hanging around if someone got access to my device.

          Vlad changed the title to Enable history website setting .
            a month later
            16 days later

            Vlad The status of this ticket is changed to done, but I don’t see a way to disable history in non-private mode. Is there something I’m missing? (Orion iOS version

            • Vlad replied to this.

              ForumNinja404 We missed this was requested for Mobile version.

              A toggle in settings>privacy called “Never Remember History”

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