Use iCloud Keychain (via Chrome extension?)
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I'll try and clarify the apparent mis-communication here — if I understand correctly "iCloud Passwords" is the misnomer causing the misunderstanding; iCloud is the mechanism by which both Safari and Orion can synch their saved password lists between Macs and iOS devices.
While Orion saves and synchs it's own separate password list via iCloud between Orion Mac and Orion iOS, I believe @solosito is asking for Orion to use the Safari password list.
i.e. if a password is saved in Safari (Mac or iOS) that same password would automatically be available for auto-fill in Orion.
While it is actually possible to select a password saved by Safari it's not automatic — at present one must first try to auto-fill a password then manually select the somewhat cryptic "Password Providers" menu item, and then one can search/select Safari-saved passwords.
In practice this means a longtime Safari user who's amassed a lot of saved passwords has a to manually migrate saved passwords from the Safari to Orion password lists, and the 2 remain separate; any new passwords saved in Orion are not available for auto-fill in Safari nor vice versa.
Presumably third-party apps aren't allowed to write directly to Safari's Keychain so presumably there's no way to automate 2-way synchronisation of Safari<->Orion Keychain saved password lists.
…but it'd be awesome if Orion could find a workaround!
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transeunt It is not possible to write to Safari passwords (otherwise any app could delete all your passwords).
The only way to read Safari passwords is the way that we included, it has to go through macOS apis that are avaialble.
While we understand this is not perfect, we also
- Have no other way
- Are not building Orion to be the Safari's right hand, but to completely replace it. So the need to run passwords in two places would cease to exist.
Importing Safari passwords to Orion's keychain takes 2 minutes. After that your source of truth for passwords becomes Orion. If you ever want to go back to Safari, you can import Orion passwords to Safari.
Thanks for the clarification @transeunt , you described the issue correctly.
@Vlad I understand that Orion is intended to be the replacement for Safari. It is key to mention that any password stored on Safari’s keychain will be available on iOS keyboard to be used in any other app that is not Safari.
As long as Orion is not able to do the same, it will never be a complete replacement for Safari.
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It is key to mention that any password stored on Safari’s keychain will be available on iOS keyboard to be used in any other app that is not Safari.
Same goes for Orion keychain passwords. It uses exactly the same native APIs lie Safari. You just need to enable Orion password as autofill provider in iOS Autofill Passwords settings.
After that Orion password will be available in Safari or any other iOS app through native integration. Here is a picture of Safari using Orion's keychain to fill password.
The only thing that Apple could do better is rename iCloud Keychain to Safari keychain, as it makes it sound ubiqoutues when in fact it is just Safari's keychain.
Someone mentioned already in this thread that filling passwords from 3rd party providers is bit cumbersome, as you are always first presented this pop-up menu:
It would be great if there was option to skip this pop-up and always default to Password Providers, when not using Orion for storing passwords.
Also when selecting password providers, it looks that the current website URL is not passed to it. Instead I'm presented a list of all my logins and need to manually search for the correct one. This doesn't occur on Safari, but it automatically filters the list based on page URL.