I use handshake with my DNS. This allows having custom TLDs. In Safari and Chrome, I can go just type in handshake/ and it will load the page. In orion, I have to type in http://handshake in order to go to the page.

You don't actually need any handshake resolver to see this. If you were to type in handshake/ in Safari or Chrome, you would see that it attempts to go to http://handshake. But, Orion searches for handshake/.

    Hm we need to check if it can be resolved somehow.

      URLs that end with a / should automatically be identified as a URL, even if the TLD isn't in the list.

      Or, it should make a DNS query to see if it is indeed a URL or not.

        You should do the first option, as what Safari and Chrome do.

          a year later

          Add weird or custom domains (based on for example DNS redirect) such as http://c/ or http://mail/, or even go-link (such as Tailescale’s: https://tailscale.com/blog/golink/).

          Chrome and Firefox support it well after ‘learning’ (ie type in http://go/ once and go/x and go/y should start working fine). Safari always requires a trailing slash to work (go/x/ or go/y/).

          I use these shortcuts extensively instead of bookmarks: m/ opens my webmail, c/ my calendar, go/some-doc opens a google doc, etc.

          I cannot get this to work in Orion and always defaults to a search in Kagi.

            Merged 2 posts from Support special domains such as http://go/ .
              6 months later

              Steps to reproduce:
              Let's say I have a resolvable by DNS local TLD (*.lan) with a domain test.lan, which resolves fine via local DNS.
              As .lan is not a well-known gTLD, the browser tries to search the domain with the default search engine. To circumvent this, you have to either prepend http(s) before the domain or add a slash at the end (domain.lan/), this works fine in major browsers like safari and chrome.
              The second approach doesn't work in Orion, but is way quicker and easier.
              Please make this work 🙂

              Expected behaviour:
              Domains terminated with a slash are not being searched, rather treated as URLs.

                Merged 2 posts from URLs terminated with a slash are not treated as URLs.
                  7 days later

                  I'd just like to add my support for this issue - currently trying to move over to Orion full time now and this is slowing me down, I must admit. The trailing slash approach seems sensible to me, as this is what we do in other browsers?

                    22 days later

                    Adding more support to this issue. While Orion seems to remember the URL "server.home.lan/" after an initial entry of "http://server.home.lan/", I expect it to resolve "newServer.home.lan/" on the first try, without manual typing of the protocol.

                    This behavior is making it challenging for me to use Orion out of the gate. As a general rule, I want my browser to respect my local dns search domains in some way -- let me configure the browser to recognize those domains and try both https, http, and no search, or give me an ending character (e.g., the trailing slash, or a trailing period) that will tell the browser to try both https, http, and no search.

                    2 months later
                    7 months later

                    Hey -- could we improve this further?

                    For example, http://go/hn and go/hn/ both work (redirect to hackernews). However, next time I want to visit the site and type go/hn it defaults back to a search result on Kagi, instead of 'knowing' this is a visited site. I need to every time type http://go/hn or go/hn/.

                    Firefox has an option in the config that can be set (https://github.com/tailscale/golink -> Firefox configuration -> add a boolean setting browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.go with a value of true).


                      I'd suggest submitting a new thread. Looks like your suggestion wasn't taken into consideration completely in this post

                      No one is typing