
Latest RC, great to see that Touch ID integration is now done, but it needs some improving. In fact it doesn't prompt the authentication automatically like Safari does, it also doesn't login automatically after the authentication done, again both things are native in Safari. Videos are available in Discord RC chat.


  • Vlad replied to this.


    Safari (touch id is pressed at approx 3.5 seconds):

    Orion (touch id is pressed at approx 5.5 seconds):

      eirk Thank you, was really busy lately, haven't been in the form since my posting.

      8 months later


      would that be possible if Orion prompts the password to fill it just needs the Touch ID to approve and also choosing the prompted passwod without manual selecting.
      The same way like in Safari.


        Merged 2 posts from Password fill only with Touch ID (without click).
          5 days later
          eirk changed the title to Get Touch id for autofill without separate prompt .

            This is really niche, and I'm not sure if this will be implementable. But if possible, will make password autofilling smoother. I'm using a 2020 intel macbook pro.

            To fill passwords. I click the username field, it shows me some suggestions, and I can put my finger on the touch id to instantly fill it.

            I click the username field, it shows me some suggestions, I press enter to select first option and then I can put my finger on the touch id to fill it.

            The difference is only in Orion I have to explicitly press enter, which is 1 extra keystroke. In safari it implicitly detects if I try to use touch ID. I can add pictures later if my description is not clear.

              This is definitely a duplicate, but i can't find it.

                TMK, this is a restriction that Apple has. Non-apple apps can't get touch id input without the touch id prompt, so this may be a necessary step.

                  Yep, Apple imposed restriction. Looking for some creative way to get around this.

                  5 months later

                  Found what it was a dupe of.

                    Merged 6 posts from Smoother password autofill.
                      11 days later

                      On Safari, you either have to only click into the username / password field or it automatics goes into that, "press" the Touch-ID and it fills it in automatically.

                      On Orion, you need to click to use the Autofill, then you can "press" the Touch-ID to allow it. Is that a possible change?

                      Note: I hope its not a problem that the pictures are in German.

                        Merged 2 posts from "Automatic" (Password-) Autofill.
                          4 months later

                          so, in safari, you are able to just press your finger print down to autofill it, but in orion, you have to click and then use your finger print

                            Merged 3 posts from Not have to click for fingerprint autofill like safari.
                              a month later

                              Whenever I access my universities's SAP or LMS Moodle, I need to first click on the box then click passwords to login using Touch ID. Do you guys can simplify this step just like in Safari where it can directly request you to login using your Touch ID.

                              Thanks a bunch!