Orion iOS appears to not have an Address field visible in the toolbar when viewing the Start page, unlike Safari.

Is this by design, or possibly a bug?

With an Address field I could enter a URL or search query instead of at the moment only being able to select a Favourite.

See: all other browsers. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Actually, looks like it’s a bug; Address field is missing from current tab on iOS, for some reason.

    Will look out to see if repeatable.

      5 days later

      Here's a screenshot — showing missing Address field:

        transeunt thanks for the screenshot. By chance were you able to catch any specific steps to perform to get this state?

          Steps to reproduce:
          After some navigation through websites and switching between pages, the last tab’s (new tab) address bar was not there.

          Expected behavior:
          A visible address bar after switching to the new tab.

          Orion, OS version; hardware type:

          App version: (WebKit 8612. System version: 15.1.0 Device type: iPhone 11 Native bounds: (828.0, 1792.0) Scale: 2.0


          • Vlad replied to this.

            snuser Can you come up with more precise steps to reproduce?

              Vlad So after some time trying, I came to conclusion that this is completely random and there are no accurate steps for everyone, this should stay questionable until someone posts a log or recording

                snuser Okay i got blessed, apparently this might happen if new tab was opened before app close

                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: true, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, history: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, history: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, history: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabRootView ID 59: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x283b6d3b0 symbol(system: bolt) {17.5, 23.5} baseline=5.5,contentInsets={1.5, 2.5, 1.5, 2.5},alignmentRectInsets={2, 0, 1.5, 0} config=<traits=(UserInterfaceIdiom = Phone, DisplayScale = 2, DisplayGamut = P3, HorizontalSizeClass = Compact, VerticalSizeClass = Regular, UserInterfaceStyle = Dark, UserInterfaceLayoutDirection = LTR, PreferredContentSizeCategory = L, AccessibilityContrast = Normal)> renderingMode=alwaysOriginal>))
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabViewController ID 59: updateBarsItems
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x12ea161b0; frame = (135 -2; 44 44); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x281c5fc80; name = labelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x28069ea90>; layer = <CALayer: 0x280965ce0>>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 45)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
                [2022-01-24 23:10:53] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 44, tabsCount: 45
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, history: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabRootView ID 59: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x283bb9440 symbol(system: bolt) {17.5, 23.5} baseline=5.5,contentInsets={1.5, 2.5, 1.5, 2.5},alignmentRectInsets={2, 0, 1.5, 0} config=<traits=(UserInterfaceIdiom = Phone, DisplayScale = 2, DisplayGamut = P3, HorizontalSizeClass = Compact, VerticalSizeClass = Regular, UserInterfaceStyle = Dark, UserInterfaceLayoutDirection = LTR, PreferredContentSizeCategory = L, AccessibilityContrast = Normal)> renderingMode=alwaysOriginal>))
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabViewController ID 59: updateBarsItems
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 45)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] NewTabViewController ID 59: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
                [2022-01-24 23:10:54] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x133d14850; frame = (17556 0; 375 650); layer = <CALayer: 0x280fb0e00>>))
                [2022-01-24 23:10:55] BrowserContainerVC: openOptionsPopover, hasURL: false
                [2022-01-24 23:10:55] NewTabViewController ID 59: updatePopoverSourceView

                Thank you, contributor badge well deserved 😉

                  Merged 7 posts from Randomly disappearing address bar on new tabs.
                    a year later

                    Correct me if I’m wrong but this particular issue seems to be fixed. I haven’t experienced it in the past ~ 6 months? Can anyone else confirm that this issue hasn’t happened to them?

                    No one is typing