Error in loading website data: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “wt_data.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application Support/Orion/Defaults/wt_data.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x6000026730f0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
"CloudKit => fetchLatestChanges > enterSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => Devices - processQueuedSyncedItems > enterSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => TabGroups - processQueuedSyncedItems > enterSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => Tabs - processQueuedSyncedItems > enterSyncProcess"
Loading View Controller UI named: BrowserSidebarUI
Loading View Controller UI named: StartPageUI
cacheURL: file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application%20Support/Orion/Defaults/StartPageInitialCache
2025-03-22 22:50:26.417 Orion[41867:2615138] CoreAnimation: zPosition should be within (-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX) range.
2025-03-22 22:50:26.448 Orion[41867:2615138] Warning: Column selection is not supported in view-based table and outline views (<Orion.TableView: 0x156087600>).
Loading View Controller UI named: StartPageModalUI
2025-03-22 22:50:26.457 Orion[41867:2615138] It's not legal to call -layoutSubtreeIfNeeded on a view which is already being laid out. If you are implementing the view's -layout method, you can call -[super layout] instead. Break on void _NSDetectedLayoutRecursion(void) to debug. This will be logged only once. This may break in the future.
WARNING: No View Controller UI named: ButtonUI
2025-03-22 22:50:26.712[41869:2615196] DiskCookieStorage changing policy from 2 to 0, cookie file: file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/HTTPStorages/com.kagi.kagimacOS.2.PrivateBrowsing.48d1813d-3cd8-4de6-ab59-40692a6cbc7c.binarycookies
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => Devices - processQueuedSyncedItems > leaveSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => TabGroups - processQueuedSyncedItems > leaveSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => Tabs - processQueuedSyncedItems > leaveSyncProcess"
"CloudKit => fetchLatestChanges > leaveSyncProcess"
Updating cache isShowingAllFavsOnStartPage: false, isShowingFullReadingListOnStartPage: false
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
Error in loading website data: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “wt_data.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application Support/Orion/Defaults/wt_data.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x6000026730f0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
<NSImage 0x600001904a00 Size={1512, 789} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600002a10620, reps:(
"<NSCGImageSnapshotRep:0x600000ba11d0 cgImage=<CGImage 0x14721cfd0> (DP)\n\t<<CGColorSpace 0x600000c24120> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>\n\t\twidth = 3024, height = 1578, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 12160 \n\t\tkCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little | kCGImagePixelFormatPacked \n\t\tis mask? No, has masking color? No, has soft mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? No>"
)>> Error Function 'file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application%20Support/Orion/Defaults/Thumbnail%20Cache/83AED730-8FE2-4053-A5C2-1FBA99F06BEB'
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
<NSImage 0x600001902120 Size={1512, 789} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600002a60000, reps:(
"<NSCGImageSnapshotRep:0x600000bc1180 cgImage=<CGImage 0x155e1a1d0> (DP)\n\t<<CGColorSpace 0x600000c24120> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>\n\t\twidth = 3024, height = 1578, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 12160 \n\t\tkCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little | kCGImagePixelFormatPacked \n\t\tis mask? No, has masking color? No, has soft mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? No>"
)>> Error Function 'file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application%20Support/Orion/Defaults/Thumbnail%20Cache/83AED730-8FE2-4053-A5C2-1FBA99F06BEB'
objc[41867]: __weak variable at 0x600002a618f8 holds 0x600002863160 instead of 0x15621a000. This is probably incorrect use of objc_storeWeak() and objc_loadWeak(). Break on objc_weak_error to debug.
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate"
<NSImage 0x60000193fb60 Size={1512, 789} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600002a17740, reps:(
"<NSCGImageSnapshotRep:0x600000bf0c80 cgImage=<CGImage 0x155fa06d0> (DP)\n\t<<CGColorSpace 0x600000c25e60> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; Color LCD)>\n\t\twidth = 1512, height = 789, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 6144 \n\t\tkCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little | kCGImagePixelFormatPacked \n\t\tis mask? No, has masking color? No, has soft mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? No>"
)>> Error Function 'file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application%20Support/Orion/Defaults/Thumbnail%20Cache/83AED730-8FE2-4053-A5C2-1FBA99F06BEB'
<NSImage 0x60000193dae0 Size={1512, 789} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600002a17600, reps:(
"NSBitmapImageRep 0x600000332ca0 Size={1512, 789} ColorSpace=(not yet loaded) BPS=8 BPP=(not yet loaded) Pixels=3024x1578 Alpha=NO Planar=NO Format=(not yet loaded) CurrentBacking=nil (faulting) CGImageSource=0x600002803780"
)>> Error Function 'file:///Users/fuccnguyeen/Library/Application%20Support/Orion/Defaults/Thumbnail%20Cache/4562CE79-2FC2-4C37-927D-F4DEE8F9D4FE'
"CloudKit => CloudKit > batchUpdate::success"
2025-03-22 22:52:41.709 Orion[41867:2615138] Failed to set (borderColor) user defined inspected property on (NSButton): [<NSButton 0x16f0d0810> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key borderColor.
2025-03-22 22:52:41.709 Orion[41867:2615138] Failed to set (borderWidth) user defined inspected property on (NSButton): [<NSButton 0x16f0d0810> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key borderWidth.
2025-03-22 22:52:41.740 Orion[41867:2615138] The behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because:
2025-03-22 22:52:41.740 Orion[41867:2615138] the item width must be less than the width of the UICollectionView minus the section insets left and right values, minus the content insets left and right values.
2025-03-22 22:52:41.740 Orion[41867:2615138] The relevant UICollectionViewFlowLayout instance is <Orion.CollectionViewFlowLayout: 0x16f0d3c30>, and it is attached to <NSCollectionView: 0x147187aa0>.
2025-03-22 22:52:41.740 Orion[41867:2615138] Make a symbolic breakpoint at UICollectionViewFlowLayoutBreakForInvalidSizes to catch this in the debugger.