• The “Show Full URL” setting on iOS only displays the URL’s ending. This occurs when the URL is excessively long.

  • SuggestionsMobile

When visiting a website with a lengthy URL and the setting “full URL enabled,” the address bar only displays the URL’s ending instead of its beginning.

With the setting “full URL enabled,” I initially thought it was a way to display the protocol HTTPS and HTTP, which are missing by default. However, the full URL only shows the URL’s ending if it’s too long.

1.3.18 (6) (WebKit 8620.


    Terrance changed the title to The “Show Full URL” setting on iOS only displays the URL’s ending. This occurs when the URL is excessively long. .

      Terrance However, the full URL only shows the URL’s ending if it’s too long.

      I mean, you can tap on it to view the start...

      Obviously if it's too long to fit, Orion's not going to be able to show all of it.


        Yeah, but what’s the point of seeing the entire URL? If users don’t see the beginning of the URL first when loading a link, but the end first? This could mislead users when accidentally clicking a malicious site and the page looks legitimate.

        When loading a URL in the address bar, the end is displayed, not the beginning. Users don’t see the beginning unless they tap the address bar. This may be an issue for the average user.

        Here’s a video demonstrating it. Pay attention to the address bar. When the link is loading, only the end is displayed:

          I use Orion on my iPhone.

          The default behaviour is to show only the domain (and subdomain, if applicable) in the address bar.

          The non-default option of showing the full URL can, logically, do one of two things - it can essentially change nothing and maybe just expose "https://" at the beginning, or it can favour the end of long URLs.

          I am going to be candid. The hypothetical user in question not only has an option available for them, but even has the privilege of that option being the default behaviour. If they change the setting to something that is not what they want, I am not sure it is worth the team trying to cater to them. There comes a point when the onus is on the user to act as a rational actor and make the best decisions possible for their situation & preferences.

          Terrance Yeah, but what’s the point of seeing the entire URL?

          I have Show Full URLs enabled on my iPhone. I regularly have multiple browser tabs open on different threads on the same forum, and seeing the thread title is a lot more informative than seeing unchangingdomain.com in every single tab. If someone doesn't want to see the entire URL, they probably shouldn't enable that setting.

            sarno There comes a point when the onus is on the user to act as a rational actor and make the best decisions possible for their situation & preferences.
            sarno I have Show Full URLs enabled on my iPhone. I regularly have multiple browser tabs open on different threads on the same forum, and seeing the thread title is a lot more informative than seeing unchangingdomain.com in every single tab. If someone doesn't want to see the entire URL, they probably shouldn't enable that setting.

            It’s a valid point. I still consider it an issue for the average user if they inadvertently enable it or something similar. However, you’ve made a compelling argument.

            Just a suggestion, though. Perhaps adding an option to show the beginning as the default would suffice. If the user wants to see the end of the URL, just like in your use case, that could be an additional option?

              Terrance Personally if the team's going to act on this, I think I'd prefer the toggle being replaced with a dropdown. Someing along the lines of "In the address bar show:" [Domain Name] [Start of URL] [End of URL]

              Would you be in favour of that, or would you prefer two distinct settings?

              If they have to add a second toggle instead, I would be inclined to argue vehemently in favour of the default being to show the end of the URL. I believe the goal should be to optimise so that the fewest number of changes are made by the average person. I have to assume that a majority of people who go looking for & change such a setting are looking to more significantly change what the address bar will display to them.

              Or, in other words;

              Show Full URLs: [Off] [On]
              Show Start of URL: [Off] [On]

              (bold = default)

              edit: Well, initially I think the goal should be to have the default represent a 'safe' and sensible set of behaviours for the average, not particularly tech savvy person. But once we're past that and the user is making changes, then I think optimising to (on average) reduce the number of changes needing to be made should be the goal.

              I hope that makes sense. I have a headache and I don't think I'm expressing myself very well. Sorry.

                sarno Personally if the team's going to act on this, I think I'd prefer the toggle being replaced with a dropdown. Someing along the lines of "In the address bar show:" [Domain Name] [Start of URL] [End of URL]

                I think what you just suggested there is great! I’m in favor of that!

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