My naive expectation was that if I have a Saved Window active, close my Orion Window / the whole app and then click on the app icon to open a new Window it would re-open on that same Saved Window because that was the last thing active.

Instead I get a new Unsaved Window with a default tab which I then have to switch away from to whatever Saved Window I was last using and then close the usaved Window on top of that.

I believe that I am not alone in using "Saved Windows" as a means of organising my work in Orion. I have one labelled "Default" which contains tabs I use day-to-day in my sparetime, "Work", "Language Learning", "Mobile" etc. and they help to orginise my browsing tremendously so it's not too much of an expectation to have Orion remember which Saved Window - if any - was open in the last closed browser window and restore it when I open a new window (or barring that, give me an opition in Settings to "Open new Browser Window with Saved Window:

  • ").

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