- Edited
When searching in a tab, if you swipe to the right to create a new tab, the UI gets into a bad state. The three bad states that I have encountered from this bug are:
- UI retains search text (e.g., "test") while adding "Search or enter website" hint.
- Search field is duplicated with previous search text aligned left and typical hint center aligned.
- The right (original) tab's search UI is partially visible in the left's (new) UI.
They are bold in the "How" steps below.
- Open Orion.
- Create a new tab.
- Perform a search (e.g., "test").
- Swipe the search bar from right to left to create a new tab.
- UI retains search text (e.g., "test") while adding "Search or enter website" hint.
- Dismiss keyboard
- Search field is duplicated with previous search text aligned left and typical hint center aligned.
- Swipe back to first tab via the search bar
- The right (original) tab's search UI is partially visible in the left's (new) UI.
Debug Log
[2025-03-08 08:18:11] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c2a00; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3017952c0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x301644a20>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x122bd30c0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d2b0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: handleLocationChange searchString: test
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://kagi.com/search?q=test, animated: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x128885e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); alpha = 0; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3016f9640>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4020>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://kagi.com/search?q=test, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c3300; frame = (295 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185b120>; layer = <CALayer: 0x30160b4e0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x128a46e40> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d930; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185ae50>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x12b66b840> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d450; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://kagi.com/search?q=test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.49455565, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x128936200; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4f40>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: addTab: configuration: Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: init w/ config Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateTabCount
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateTabCount(0)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateTabCount
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateTabCount(1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: commonInit configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil), internalPageType: Optional(Orion.NewInternalPageType.newTab), tabCreatedWithStartPage: true, browserTab.url: Optional("orion://newtab/")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: orion://newtab/, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x122acd500; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30165f540>; layer = <CALayer: 0x30165ca80>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x1289503c0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d080d0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "orion://newtab/")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c8480 named(main: orion.toolbar.startpage) {16, 16} renderingMode=alwaysTemplate>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x300326b40; name = labelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185ae50>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x11b4c8dc0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d139b0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c8480 named(main: orion.toolbar.startpage) {16, 16} renderingMode=alwaysTemplate>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.5, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c0600; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x301648fc0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x301649460>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x128952440> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302df7190; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 1, tabsCount: 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x122a67e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3017f9b00>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x122a67e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3017f9b00>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:22] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:23] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: true, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabRootView ID 5: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3019b87e0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x122905e00> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d156c0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: true, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 0, tabsCount: 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x128936200; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4f40>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:32] BrowserContainerVC: openOptionsPopover, hasURL: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:32] NewTabViewController ID 5: updatePopoverSourceView
Expected behavior
- New tab should be created the same way that it is from the "+" icon.
Additional Details
- No extensions present.
- I was unable to reproduce in Safari.
- FYI, I have not tested on a clean profile as this is my main browser.
- Please let me know if there is a straightforward way to enter a debug mode, enter a separate profile that would allow for quickly testing, or add a secondary "clean" orion for debug purposes.
- Would be happy to regularly provide this information without resetting my personal configuration each time.
- Please let me know if there is a straightforward way to enter a debug mode, enter a separate profile that would allow for quickly testing, or add a secondary "clean" orion for debug purposes.
- Feel free to reach out to me if you need additional information.
Device Information
- App version: 1.3.18 (6) (WebKit 8620.
- System version: 18.3.1