
When searching in a tab, if you swipe to the right to create a new tab, the UI gets into a bad state. The three bad states that I have encountered from this bug are:

  1. UI retains search text (e.g., "test") while adding "Search or enter website" hint.
  2. Search field is duplicated with previous search text aligned left and typical hint center aligned.
  3. The right (original) tab's search UI is partially visible in the left's (new) UI.

They are bold in the "How" steps below.


  1. Open Orion.
  2. Create a new tab.
  3. Perform a search (e.g., "test").
  4. Swipe the search bar from right to left to create a new tab.
  5. UI retains search text (e.g., "test") while adding "Search or enter website" hint.
  6. Dismiss keyboard
  7. Search field is duplicated with previous search text aligned left and typical hint center aligned.
  8. Swipe back to first tab via the search bar
  9. The right (original) tab's search UI is partially visible in the left's (new) UI.

Debug Log

[2025-03-08 08:18:11] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c2a00; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3017952c0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x301644a20>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x122bd30c0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d2b0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: handleLocationChange searchString: test
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://kagi.com/search?q=test, animated: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x128885e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); alpha = 0; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3016f9640>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4020>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://kagi.com/search?q=test, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c3300; frame = (295 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185b120>; layer = <CALayer: 0x30160b4e0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x128a46e40> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d930; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185ae50>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x12b66b840> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d9d450; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://kagi.com/search?q=test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:17] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.49455565, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:18] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x128936200; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4f40>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: addTab: configuration: Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: init w/ config Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateTabCount
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateTabCount(0)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateTabCount
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateTabCount(1)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: commonInit configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil), internalPageType: Optional(Orion.NewInternalPageType.newTab), tabCreatedWithStartPage: true, browserTab.url: Optional("orion://newtab/")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: orion://newtab/, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x122acd500; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30165f540>; layer = <CALayer: 0x30165ca80>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x1289503c0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d080d0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "orion://newtab/")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c8480 named(main: orion.toolbar.startpage) {16, 16} renderingMode=alwaysTemplate>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x300326b40; name = labelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30185ae50>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x11b4c8dc0> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d139b0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabRootView ID 6: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c8480 named(main: orion.toolbar.startpage) {16, 16} renderingMode=alwaysTemplate>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.5, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteTitle
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] NewTabViewController ID 6: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
[2025-03-08 08:18:19] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x1289c0600; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x301648fc0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x301649460>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x128952440> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302df7190; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: false, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 1, tabsCount: 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x122a67e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3017f9b00>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:20] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x122a67e00; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3017f9b00>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:22] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:23] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] PGSideMenu: gestureRecognizerShouldBegin false 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: true, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabRootView ID 5: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x3024c1cb0 anonymous {32, 32} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: updateBarsItems
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "test")
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x104598600; frame = (-41 0; 50 44); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x3003b9500; name = secondaryLabelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3019b87e0>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016fdfc0>> configuration=<UIButtonConfiguration: 0x122905e00> baseStyle=plain macStyle=automatic buttonSize=medium cornerStyle=dynamic image=<UIImage:0x3024ae2e0 symbol(system: arrow.clockwise)> contentInsets={0, 0, 0, 0} imagePlacement=leading imagePadding=0 titlePadding=1 titleAlignment=automatic automaticallyUpdateForSelection background=<UIBackgroundConfiguration: 0x302d156c0; Base Style = Custom; cornerRadius = 5.95>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 2)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] NewTabViewController ID 5: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.switchToStartView)
[2025-03-08 08:18:25] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: true, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil, localTabIdentifier: nil, parentLocalTabIdentifier: nil)
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 0, tabsCount: 2
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
[2025-03-08 08:18:26] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x128936200; frame = (0 0; 393 659); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x30034c640; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3016f4f40>>))
[2025-03-08 08:18:32] BrowserContainerVC: openOptionsPopover, hasURL: true
[2025-03-08 08:18:32] NewTabViewController ID 5: updatePopoverSourceView

Expected behavior

  • New tab should be created the same way that it is from the "+" icon.

Additional Details

  • No extensions present.
  • I was unable to reproduce in Safari.
  • FYI, I have not tested on a clean profile as this is my main browser.
    • Please let me know if there is a straightforward way to enter a debug mode, enter a separate profile that would allow for quickly testing, or add a secondary "clean" orion for debug purposes.
      • Would be happy to regularly provide this information without resetting my personal configuration each time.
  • Feel free to reach out to me if you need additional information.

Device Information

  • App version: 1.3.18 (6) (WebKit 8620.
  • System version: 18.3.1

    Extra Requirement(s)

    • "Show Keyboard on New Tab" must be enabled (Settings > Tabs > Show Keyboard on New Tab).
      • Was unable to replicate this issue with that toggled off.
      7 days later

      NappingIllusion can you please try this with latest TestFlight build and share a video of demonstrating the same, as that would be super helpful for us to ship the fix superfast.

      Hi @dino, happy to help! I just reached out on Discord about getting access to the TestFlight.

        Hi @dino, I was able to replicate this via the TestFlight app. Here is the video:

        Please let me know if you need any additional details!

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