Currently names for the Orion Apps (aka SSBs or Profiles) is "Orion - <APP NAME>". This should be reversed. It would make it easier to read / identify utility by having it "<APP NAME> - Orion". I realize you probably feel the need to keep identity and association intact (I'm not keen on that, but I realize you might be) and while I'd prefer "- Orion" be removed altogether, it would be at least easier to use if it was postfixed instead of prefixed.

    Orion apps are the things created by Tools->Install This Site as an App, and SSBs. You can customize the name upon creation, and are named whatever you want to, and don't contain a orion - prefix/suffix.

    Profiles, though, are more general and completely isolated instances, but a full browser still. Profiles do contain the Orion - prefix. But, you can manually remove it though by renaming the profile app.


      Just to be clear @eirk this is not the case... Example:

      1. create an app with whatever name:
      2. cmd-tab or view in Dock to it to see that it is named as I initially reported, in this case "Orion - Testing new App creation for Orion..."

      I am not including a screenshot here since it is easy and quick for anyone to test currently.

      • eirk replied to this.

        ylluminate What you are showing here is a profile, not a SSB. You are correct that profiles do have the prefix attached after naming them. I just wanted to clarify that profiles aren't SSBs

          Hmmm, I see... So you're saying I've had a disconnect of the app vs profile concept in Orion. I was not aware of this separation, thanks for bringing that up. I completely misread your remark and jumped to conclusion. Thanks!

          This is interesting, but I wonder if it is necessary. Hmm hmm hmmmmmm.

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