See photo. Tabs becoming nested with the setting off. Toggling "Show nested vertical tabs" on and then off again fixes the problem.

Having trouble reproducing. Just randomly some tabs will sometimes become nested after browsing.

Version (WebKit 621.

Sequoia (15)

    This happens also when you leave the browser open for too long.
    I've also noticed that even with that option checked, it still breaks and creates duplicates.

      I can't since I'm not on Seqoia. If you have a Sonoma build I would be glad to help.

        Altough I didn't reproduce the issue, the CPU usage on this build is noticeably bigger.
        Starting with 10% more than usual.


          @kektus thanks for checking.

          CPU usage is another thing and we're working on that separatelly.

          I'm marking this Next Release. Let us know if you'll notice a regression after it. Thanks!

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