I don't know what the reason is but the current beta ( crashes multiple times per day. I click some link and it crashes. It is not reproducable, only that I have to click something. But after a restart I can click the same link/button and it works.
All the reports are send to kagi, when will there be an update or can I help somehow to resolve this? Currently this browser is more or less unusable.

No crashes

Sequoia (15)

    We have normally resolved the main crash bugs 🙁
    Could you try without extensions or with a new profile, please?

      Not sure how relevant this is but, I was having a lot of crashes multiple times a day. I made a new profile with no extensions enabled and Orion hasn't crashed since.

      The only problem is that the 1Password extension is essential for me. I've tried disabling every extension except 1Password, but it still seems to be crashing.

        So resetting the problem didn't help. It appears that Orion on my other Mac doesn't make those problems. I disabled now all 3 extensions I am using (1password, add to omnifocus and add to bear -- all are Chrome Extensions).

        • dino replied to this.

          Okay, thank you for trying. We will do what is necessary as soon as possible.

            After disabling all extensions the crashes vanished and enabling 1Password (Chrome-extension) the crashes reappered.

            I will try the dev-build next.

              Sorry for those long delays, somehow I don't get notifications of new replies :/

                I am using now the dev-build and so far no crashes. I will use it today and see if the crashes disappeared completely.

                  So far a crash-free day 🥳

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