with orion set as the default browser, opening a website from the command line opens it in a preview/popup window instead of the already opened instance of the browser.

open https://apple.com

with firefox or safari as the default browser running the same command opens the website in the already opened full browser window. If one wasn't already opened it opens one that is not a popup.

I would expect orion to follow this same convention.

Version 0.99.131-beta

Sequoia (15)

    That's the Orion Preview feature, intended for quickly viewing the contents of a link.
    You have a couple of options:

    • You can disable the feature in the settings:

    • You can expand the preview window into a full tab by pressing ⌘+T

    Thank you. I guess it wasn't clear to me what an external link was. So based on this, I assume an external link is any link that wasn't initiated by the browser itself.

    Out of curiosity, is that a default setting? I would not be surprised at all if I turned that on without realizing what it did.

    • laiz replied to this.

      It is the default setting as that was deemed important for discoverability. Some improvements to the new user experience are planned for the next release, including a banner for when a preview window is first encountered. See #9504 for further discussion and feel free to share any thoughts and ideas you may have there.

      ok, it isn't necessarily a feature that I need but I have an odd workflow that revolves around my terminal.

      I really like the browser though and am using it every day.

      your comment before solves the issue I was having. thank you.

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