See video:

All the clicks in the video are shift+click.

I tried restarting Orion after enable/disable the option. Results are the same.

Should be able to enable/disable.

Version 0.99.131-rc (WebKit 621.

Sequoia (15)

    Right 🙁

      JSiu-Dev I've been unable to reproduce this--is there some condition or action in your setup that causes the bug, or that is a workaround for the bug?

        astruckm I disabled all extensions, restated Orion. Still able to reproduce it.

        I am willing to do a complete reinstall test.
        What is the cleanest and thorough way to uninstall Orion RC, including all settings and customization?

          JSiu-Dev Before doing that, do you mind checking if the key “OpenLinkPreview” is false after you’ve unchecked the “Open external links in preview” setting? The preferences file is located at ~/Library/Preferences/com.kagi.kagimacOS.RC.plist (or ~/Library/Preferences/com.kagi.kagimacOS.plist if you’re using the Beta), and keys are in alphabetical order. With space bar preview (it's "true" / meaning checked here):

          To reset all settings, Orion menu -> "Reset Orion..." or Command+Shift+Delete, then this checkbox will reset all of your settings:

            astruckm Yes, that entry did change according to the setting.

            I am going to try reset.

            I use reset all settings, test it before doing any customization. Issue still exist.🤦‍♂️

            I am using Orion RC now. However, I had installed release and beta before. Can that be an issue?

              JSiu-Dev Thanks for trying that.

              If the Beta is your default browser, and it is already open, any external link, preview or non-preview, will open in the Beta, regardless if the RC is open or not. Otherwise, as long as the RC is your default browser, having the Beta installed shouldn't have any effect on that

                RC is my default browser.
                The release and beta version of Orion were uninstalled. I am wondering if their config file/items are interfering with RC.

                  5 days later

                  JSiu-Dev I didn't realize in both of the videos you shared, that you were opening links from within Orion, not from other apps (e.g. the standalone Discord app). Many apologies not noticing that!

                  That "Open external links in Preview...." setting only applies to links from non-Orion apps, it doesn't affect Shift+click opening links within Orion in the Preview. To open links within Orion in another tab, use Command+click.

                  Is that what is causing the issue / confusion?

                    astruckm Now I am totally confused what is the effect of that feature😵‍💫 Can you give me an example?

                      JSiu-Dev JSiu-Dev If you're in Orion, any link you Shift+click should open in the preview. The "Open external links in Preview...." setting has no effect on this.

                      If you're in a different app and Orion is your default browser, the "Open external links in Preview..." setting when

                      • Unchecked: all such links from other apps should open a new tab
                      • Checked: Shift+click a link should open a new tab, click only should open the preview

                      Does that make sense?

                        JSiu-Dev OK great! That's a relief.

                        I think what this does evidence is that the text for that setting is confusing--I think we should tweak it

                          We have planned some built-in aids for the public version of Orion to introduce the unusual features like this one 👍

                          No one is typing