When developing web applications, it’s not uncommon to set cookies from a locally hosted service.

The HTTP spec allows for cookies to be set in a 30X redirect, which is useful when an OAuth provider directs a user back to your service and onboarding, etc. means another redirect is required.

Safari refuses to set cookies found in a redirect on a local address, which means I can’t sign into my local application during development.

Any cookies in a redirect response should be stored by the browser and transferred as per the cookie’s attributes.

Firefox does set these cookies, so I can develop/test things there.

Version (WebKit 621.

Sequoia (15)

    Hey @jcf 👋

    Did you mean "Orion" when you said "Safari?" (just to be sure)

    • jcf replied to this.

      Yannick sorry, I should have been clearer.

      Both Safari and Orion behave this way, I think because of the shared WebKit core.

      Chrome and Firefox will set these cookies.

        Okay, thank you for the clarification.
        I will pass this on to the team, but I anticipate that if it's related to Webkit, it will be complicated.

        • jcf likes this.
        11 days later

        Considering switching to Orion myself, this is an issue for me as well! I work at a credit union that's developing a new online banking solution, and our web app sets several secure-denoted cookies, and because of this we haven't been able to develop locally on Safari. It would be nice to have the option to have those cookies in localhost so we can test the engine, and also for my own ease of use.

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