Since upgrading to the current Orion, my tabs are showing the primary domain favicons, not those for the subdomain of the tab. This is especially obvious because I have mail.google.com, calendar.google.com, and messages.google.com next to each other.

Also, my kite.kagi.com tab is showing the main Kagi icon, not the Kite icon.

(My pinned tabs).

This is most obvious for these pinned tabs, but I have at least one unpinned tab showing the same behavior.

Tabs should show the favicon of the narrowest subdomain, so I can tell them apart.

0.99.130-beta (WebKit 621.

Sequoia (15)

    You could use this script when a new website loads or the URL changes. Also I don't see a reason why an XPC service is needed for finding favicons. It's far faster to download favicons on a background thread rather than create an XPC connection.

    let favicon_script = """
        (d=>{const h=d.head,l=["icon","shortcut icon","apple-touch-icon","mask-icon"];for(let r of l)if((r=h.querySelector(`link[rel="${r}"]`))&&r.href)return r.href;return d.location.origin+"/favicon.ico"})(document)
      14 days later
      No one is typing