• Edited
  • Best Answerset by Vlad

For people trying to figure out how to add Safari extensions:

Extensions > Add Extensions > Install From Disk > [browse to /Applications] .... and select your Safari extension.

There’s multiple types of Safari extensions:

  • web-extensions: Made using JS, works almost identically to chrome/ff extensions
  • native code extensions: Made using Swift (or another language linked via swift), uses a custom secure connection to Safari and therefore cannot be used by Orion
  • content blocking extensions:

"only Safari Web Extensions are currently supported."


Anybody have any luck with Stop the Madness Pro? I've tried both the Chrome and Firefox versions. It doesn't load settings, apparently due to a native messaging failure.

    Vlad Didn't see a manifest.json file for the Safari extension in the app bundle, so I don't think it's a web extension. Is native messaging supposed to be working?

      3 months later

      slimw Regular StopTheMadness isn't working either. There is a chrome version in the same folder, but it has fewer features. I presume it is a native extension (there's an executable in StopTheMadness.appex/Contents/MacOS/StopTheMadness, but no manifest).

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