might be related: if I quit the browser right after closing some tabs, they're being present again upon launch despite being closed before. Perhaps, the main process exits before the i/o is completed for the tabs file?
See the screen recording attached, clean profile.
A tab is being reopened if it's closed before completely loading
I've got a crazy behavior going on lately, orion keeps opening tabs which have been closed literally days ago. It has happened like 3-5 times for the last week, usually this happens when I leave the laptop hibernated and use the browser later. But today, this happened while in use. I had to restart orion multiple times trying to catch another bug, later, I got like a dozen tabs appearing from out of nowhere. This didn't happen before current version.
expected it to behave like a normal browser
Monterey (12)
Some of the tabs were recent today, the ones I closed less than an hour ago.
do you have sync enabled? this seems like a sync issue
@Vlad hey, happy new year and thanks for your work once again. Could you please elaborate, are the two things mentioned related and is there gonna be a fix for sync thing? Currently I have to quit the browser completely every time I have to close the lid, otherwise I'd get a dozen of tabs reopened when I get back.
disabling sync should temporarily fix this issue
I'm still having this issue, is the "solution" to disable sync or is there another way to fix this issue?