Can't download pictures from blob URL (Mega) and files (Telegram).

Open here and download picture.
Opens blob URL, makes a download on download list but won't progress.

Download this.
Download gets added to the download list but it instantly fails.

1.3.6 (2)


  • Vlad replied to this.

    I find this happens every so often, not sure what's triggering. For me, setting the download location again fixes it for normal downloads. Not sure about blobs

    • es replied to this.
      a month later
      6 months later

      menubar changed download folder to a different one, still can't download blobs

        es yes, i was referring to the other part of the topic regarding files not downloading from some sites. my apologies for not specifying. or maybe a topic was previously merged and that's why my answer was unclear. i'm not sure

        i also am still having issues downloading blobs

        • Vlad replied to this.
          No one is typing