Issue: after using Orion to read/surf a
website, the browser crashes when the bookmarks button is pushed. Perhaps a memory leak?

Prereq: have a website open, and surf for a minute

  1. Click the bookmarks button
  2. Verify app crashes

App does not crash after surfing a website and then clicking the bookmark button

1.3.4 (2) (WebKit 8617.


    22 days later


    I’ve uploaded a video illustrating the crash. If there’s a way to get some debugging details, let me know and I can grab those.

      16 days later

      I encountered the same issue on desktop awhile ago, but the update might fixed it but i'm not sure if this is completely fixed. This is the issue that is preventing me from using orion fully since it crashes so often. It feels like it crash when I open bookmak, crash when I add/remove a bookmark, and etc.

        6 days later

        AllagashSage can you please try latest version of Orion iOS and check if the issue still reproducible?

          15 days later

          Yes, the issue can be reproduced. Please see the enclosed video. It seems to be crashing after tapping bookmarks back button, or it crashes after tapping “done” and returning to bookmarks afterwards.

          iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 17.3

          • Vlad replied to this.
            9 days later
            6 months later
            4 months later

            Heya, checking to see if any headway has been made to fix this - I checked on the latest build on iOS and can see the issue still happening. Below is a copy of the debug log.

            1.3.14 (9) (WebKit 8620.2.2)
            iOS 18.3 Public Beta
            iPhone 15 Pro

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