Potential solution: Use Regex to remove leftover parts of the issue template before issues are posted.

Right now there are tons of issues that contain unnecessary parts of the issue template which were not removed before the discussion was posted. This clutters the discussion and makes it difficult for moderators to read.

These text fragments can be stripped out from the post before it is officially published. This process can be invisible to the end user, as it only occurs after they submit. Regex would be used to find unnecessary parts in verbatim.

Headings are the only parts of the template that are useful for moderators:

Steps to reproduce:
Expected behavior:
Orion, OS version; hardware type:

The rest is useless to everyone except the original poster when they type their issue:

<Include steps to reproduce the bug; Did you try using Compatibility mode (https://help.kagi.com/orion/support-and-community/troubleshooting-webpage-issues.html)? Did you try using a clean Orion Profile? If applicable, does Safari behave in the same way?>

<What you expected to happen?>

<Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

    ForumNinja404 changed the title to Discussion: Improving the issue reporting process .

      Another option: Switching to standard HTML placeholder text.
      Not everyone reads the template anyway, and on mobile it takes up the entire text box which makes submitting reports more difficult. There is no reason a user should have to delete a paragraph before typing out their issue. In addition, placeholder text can be stylized with CSS so that it remains bright enough for the user to read. This retains all the benefits of the current implementation, while reducing friction when typing an issue.

        I think what we really need is a custom bug report template with custom fields.

          Vlad Like multiple text boxes to make the user fill out each part of the template? I have a few ideas in mind and could make some mockups.

          • Vlad replied to this.


            A few things to note about this design.

            1. All fields are required.
            2. The dropdown will only allow you to select valid version numbers from the selected platform. (There will be indicators for the latest RC and Stable versions within the dropdown for easier identification)
              Orion 1.3.3 (RC)
              Orion 1.3.2 (Stable)
              Orion 1.3.1
              Orion 1.3.0
            3. Adding attachments is still optional, but the button has been made more prominent in the toolbar. The are are a lot of toolbar options and the old upload icon can be easy to miss.
            4. If both mobile and desktop tags are selected, the version dropdown is not displayed.
            5. If the Forum tag is selected and no platform is selected, the version dropdown is hidden because it's irrelevant.
            6. Hovering over the compatibility mode notice will display a tooltip with an image of where to enable it.
              21 days later
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