Steps to reproduce:
Open one or more tabs. Exit Orion (do not kill it from the recent apps page). Wait a while, I think Orion might need to "sleep" or "suspend" or something? When opening Orion again one or more tabs, not always all tabs, will not show the content they had before exiting Orion. The URL will show in the URL bar, but a blank page will be shown.
Opening the URL bar by pressing it and then pressing "Enter" on the keyboard to reload the page does nothing. Re-choosing the same tab from the tab-switcher will cause the page to reload. It will not remember the scroll position, however.

This issue https://orionfeedback.org/d/4000-resuming-app-after-sleeping-loads-blank-page seems to be something similar, but it is marked as done.

Expected behavior:
I would except the tab to be cached, such that when I open Orion and choose a previously opened tab the contents will be remembered and it will open again at the same scroll position.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
App version: 1.2.10 (2) (WebKit 8615.
System version: 16.5.1
Device type: iPhone 13
Native bounds: (1170.0, 2532.0)
Scale: 3.0
Regular tabs: 8/8/8/
Private tabs: 0/0/0/(

Screen recording:

    elonus changed the title to Tab shows blank page after app-sleep .

      Correction: I wrote "The URL will show in the URL bar..." but the URL is only shown in the URL bar sometimes. Other times the URL bar is blank.

        a month later

        Are you still finding this is an issue as of iOS version 1.3.2 @elonus? There were several other performance or refresh related fixes in 1.3, and I'm now no longer able to reproduce.

          6 days later

          I also still have this issue on 1.3.2 (1) (WebKit 8615.

            alexkornitzer elonus Are you experiencing the original issue in its full extent--where the tab is blank and you can't use "Enter" on the keyboard? I have no longer been able to reproduce this.

            Or is the issue now contained to a tab's state and scroll position sometimes not being cached?

              astruckm Ah never checked if I had the enter issue. I have the issue where scroll location is saved but the page is not loaded (its grey). If you pull to refresh it will load the page correctly. I think its a pain to test this as we have to get iOS to offload the app out of memory, not close it (achievable by loading lots of other apps). Have just checked my phone and its done it again.

                astruckm Hmm, it seems like you're right that the new version improves the situation.
                I still get the blank page, but now the Enter key works to reload the page, so I don't need to reselect the tab. So it seems like it's partly fixed. But I still get the blank page so it seems like a different issue from tabs losing their state and scroll position and automatically reloading.

                  10 days later

                  Vlad Yeah and its still happening with this build too. Are you not able to reproduce?

                    It might just be my imagination or random chance, but I feel like the issue seems to happen more often lately. By "issue" I mean the fact that tabs loose their state and need to be reloaded. The "Enter key not working" issue has not reappeared. I'm on version 1.3.3 (4).

                      a month later

                      I am experiencing this issue on 1.3.4 (2) (WebKit 8616.

                      Often when waking from sleep the app will show a blank tab, with the URL in the location bar. Just need to hit refresh to get the tab to load, but this seems to be a regression as this was fixed a while back.

                        I've noticed this happenign a lot too. I don't notice it much on my macbook and I don't use it often on my ipad, but it's pretty much anytime the app is closed for more than 5-10 minutes on my phone. I usually just re-click the tab once or twice (sometimes just once gets stuck loading). It's annoying though.

                          a year later

                          Does anyone still have these issues?

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