Brief Summary
There doesn't look to be anywhere appropriate to submit feedback for Orion's public website (https://browser.kagi.com). It would be nice to have a category for that.

I have a few pieces of feedback I'd like to submit about the public website, but it feels wrong to submit those under any of the existing three categories.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    adamaveray Generally we avoid having tags that will be rarely used, so feel free to offer feedback in this thread.

      Vlad changed the title to Orion website improvements .

        Vlad No worries, here are some quick issues I've noticed:

        1. Most trivially, the copyright year hasn't been updated so still shows 2022

        2. The favicon is only 16px × 16px so looks blurry on retina screens (vs this forum's which is 64px × 64px so appears crisp)

          (Top is the public website, bottom is this forum)

        3. The privacy policy refers to a waitlist that seems to have ended long ago so that sentence can probably be removed.

        4. There is no horizontal padding on the hero so the text runs right up against the edge on certain screen sizes, which is a bit harder to read and looks a little less professional.

        5. The privacy comparison table does not shrink/horizontally-scroll on narrow screens (including on a standard iPhone) causing the whole page to scroll horizontally a bit:

        6. Several other graphics are non-retina (the large Orion logo in the 'Privacy by design...' section and the device outlines in the downloads section [the latter would be a good candidate for being an SVG instead since it's simple])

        I also think it would be good to put the Orion logo right at the top of the page above the 'Orion Browser by Kagi' since it's a great brand and would help reduce the slight wall-of-text feeling the hero section currently has. Something like this mockup:

        And a very nitpicky one but the automatic wrapping on the 'Privacy by design...' heading has always bugged me; I think it would look much nicer to manually cause it to break after the comma on large displays (and to adjust the line height so it's not so large).

        My proposed change:

        Hopefully that's not too much feedback! I'm a big Orion fan & proponent and so want to help how I can to make the landing page get more users to try it out, and as a web developer these things stick out for me.

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