Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to https://pin2me.dev
  2. click the 3-dot icon
  3. click the gear icon
  4. click Google Sign In

Google authentication(login) pop-up (working)
Google authorization pop-up, blocked with no option and visual. Only error in console.

Expected behavior:

Google login pop-up, then Google authorization pop-up.

This works on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.



Version (WebKit 616.
MacBook Air (macOS Ventura 13.4 build 22F66)

Additional Ino

Google changed their web sign in api to Google Identity.

For web (https://developers.google.com/identity/gsi/web/guides/overview), Google Identity authentication and authorization are separated steps. Authentication does provide basic scopes of email, profile and openid.

Scopes like Google Drive, contact, etc., need to perform the authorization step, that means another pop up.

    • Best Answerset by Vlad

    wjziv wjziv Please try disabling Swap Processes on Cross-Site Window Open option from Develop -> Experimental Features and then relaunch Orion and try login again with Apple or Google

The 2nd pop up actually come up if I manually allow it for the site:

However, why it is allowed for the first pop up?

    5 months later

    I'm experiencing the same issue, even on this website.
    I tried authentication with Google and Apple.
    Both were fruitless.

    Google authentication goes as described above: pop up comes up once for the site in the application's lifecycle, and it stays blank.
    Apple authentication has a one-time pop-up as well. After that, I'm invited to log in with my fingerprint, but there appears to be no hand-off back to the website after this.

    • dino replied to this.

      wjziv wjziv Please try disabling Swap Processes on Cross-Site Window Open option from Develop -> Experimental Features and then relaunch Orion and try login again with Apple or Google

        And suddenly, I don't need my backup browser nearly half as much!
        Thank you; this works just as expected.

        15 days later

        dino This worked for me too on reddit.com
        Many thanks!

        Had the same issue. Even with https://orionfeedback.org I couldn't sign up / in with Google.
        Dino's fix to disable "Swap Processes on Cross-Site Window Open" worked for me.

        I think this is still a BUG as it hinders normal users from simply using Orion browser with least possible issues.

        When I go to my Plex server on a private window or a new PC and want to login to my Plex account via my google account, google auth loads but doesn't redirect to my plex server unless I disable Cross-Origin Restrictions.

        I Access My plex server via a local domain name behind a traefik instance that serves SSL with Let's Encrypt Certificates. DNS is served by PiHole.

        The desired funcationality that I don't have to disable security settings for OAuth to work.

        Sonoma (14)

          Merged 2 posts from Can't login too plex server with google OAuth.

            I have an account on monarchmoney.com that uses Sign In With Apple for account access. Using Orion, I am unable to access the account or website. After providing my credentials to Apple, nothing further happens on the login page. Steps to reproduce:

            1. Visit app.monarchmoney.com; redirects to a login prompt that offers "Continue with Apple" as an option
            2. Click on "Continue With Apple"; computer pops up a prompt to enter the device password to allow Apple to sign in
            3. Enter appropriate password to Apple popup; popup disappears, but the Monarch sign-in page remains. Subsequent clicks on "Continue With Apple" elicit no response; reloading the page or attempting to proceed to any app.monarchmoney.com sub-page simply redirects to login prompts again.

            I've replicated this on two different machines running Orion Version (WebKit 618.1.2), both with and without compatibility mode turned on, and in a new, clean profile.

            Expected behavior would be to be logged in to the site. Attempting the same login sequence in Safari results in being logged in as expected. Attempts to log in to random other websites where I also have Sign in WIth Apple accounts set up seems to work, so this appears to be website related. However, in a twist, this previously DID function properly in Orion--on a machine where I had already logged in to the site last month, I still have access in that profile. I don't dare sign out or reinstall the old version to test this again, but confirmed I can't log in on new profiles on that machine with this Orion version.

            I compared the logs between Safari and Orion and I only notice one difference. Orion reports the following error:
            [Error] Blocked a frame with origin "https://app.monarchmoney.com" from accessing a frame with origin "https://js.stripe.com". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
            ra (clarity.js:2:34363)
            (anonymous function) (clarity.js:2:35846)
            (anonymous function) (clarity.js:2:7535)
            o (clarity.js:2:6357)

            Safari doesn't show that issue.

            This is true whether or not compatibility mode is on. I'm not sure if it's the issue here, as I wouldn't think Stripe would have anything to do with it, but I can't find a way to enable that frame to load to verify it either way.


            Sonoma (14)

            Merged 1 post from Unable to login with Apple to Monarch.

              When I use Google to log into twitter, the login window doesn't show up properly and Orion just crashes. So I thought I'd give you guys some feedback on the bug here, but when I signed up for an account I chose Google as well, and it just wouldn't log me in over and over again, so I had to use my email to sign up.

              I hope to be able to use the third party account login properly 🙂

     (WebKit 618.1.2)

              Ventura (13)

                Merged 2 posts from The third-party login method in the web page is not valid.

                  Since updating to the latest Orion version, I haven't been able to sign in to Tinder using Facebook. The Facebook login popup opens, but then nothing loads. On Safari it works fine. Any idea what it could be?

                  It should be able to log in with Facebook, just like with the previous version, or with Safari right now.

                  Version (WebKit 618.1.2)

                  Monterey (12)

                    Merged 1 post from Tinder login with Facebook not working.