I am using Orion Version (WebKit 616.1.10) installed on macOS Ventura 13.4

I am trying to use the Orion Quick Searches function, but after several hours of trying I can not get it to work at all.

I have been very careful and precisely followed all the instructions given here:

When I perform the Quick Search describe in that article:
typing yt cats in Orion's address bar will send you into a search for "cats" on YouTube.

However I do not get search results for "cats" on YouTube.

I am given Search Results for "cats" on Bing which is my default search engine.

I have also tried many times to set up Quick Searches via the Orion Settings Menu and this method also fails to produce the desired Quick Search Results, I always get the Bing Search Results.

Please help me to get the Quick Search function to work properly.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    7 months later


    What information do you need exactly? I'm having the same issue as this original post on MacOS and iOS (both on the latest stable version). Added the example YouTube Bookmark, changed "cats" to %s and added yt as the invoker but it just sends me to Qwant, my configured search engine.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      Should this help, below debug logs of me creating said bookmark then trying the search:
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://www.youtube.com/?yt=, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://www.youtube.com/?yt=, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://www.youtube.com/?yt=")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://www.youtube.com/?yt=")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://www.youtube.com/?yt=")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x2807659e0 anonymous {16, 16} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://m.youtube.com/?yt, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://m.youtube.com/?yt, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:18] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.3, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] JSAPI: Error: Attempting to use runtime from web extension background context.
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] JSAPI: Error: browser.runtime.Port.portMessage invalid port
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] JSAPI: Error: browser.tabs.sendMessage is using unimplemented options. (["frameId"])
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] JSAPI: Error: browser.runtime.Port.portMessage invalid port
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.82097733, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.8251662, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x2807019e0 anonymous {16, 16} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:19] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
      [2023-12-30 23:01:20] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x280765290 anonymous {16, 16} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:20] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:20] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x1370c17b0; frame = (0 0; 430 751); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830db900>>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://m.youtube.com/?yt#searching, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://m.youtube.com/?yt#searching, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt#searching")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt#searching")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/?yt#searching")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:22] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=test, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=test, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:25] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:45] UIView.showHideAnimated: <UIButton: 0x127088ad0; frame = (0 0; 0 0); alpha = 0; opaque = NO; tintColor = <UIDynamicCatalogSystemColor: 0x28204c100; name = labelColor>; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x282693a20>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283d53720>>, show: true, checkCurrent: false
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: handleLocationChange searchString: yt test
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.1, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "yt test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "yt test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: restoreToolbars
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x280780ea0 anonymous {196, 196} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.15, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "yt test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.3, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] JSAPI: Error: Attempting to use runtime from web extension background context.
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] JSAPI: Error: browser.runtime.Port.portMessage invalid port
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] JSAPI: Error: browser.tabs.sendMessage is using unimplemented options. (["frameId"])
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] JSAPI: Error: browser.runtime.Port.portMessage invalid port
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateMainViewVisibility url: https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test&t=web, animated: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.WebContextView: 0x13a0f6e00; frame = (0 0; 430 751); autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839c82d0>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830005a0>>, show: true, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] UIView.showHideAnimated: <Orion.NewStartView: 0x1370c19a0; frame = (0 -1; 430 752); alpha = 0; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283005a40>>, show: false, checkCurrent: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test&t=web, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: urlDidChange
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "yt test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "https://www.qwant.com/?q=yt+test&t=web")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x280783570 anonymous {196, 196} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.9, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: updateBarsItems
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "yt test")
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: true, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.regular)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x280781c20 anonymous {196, 196} renderingMode=automatic(original)>))
      [2023-12-30 23:01:48] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
      [2023-12-30 23:01:49] NewTabViewController ID 12: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
      [2023-12-30 23:01:49] BrowserContainerVC: openOptionsPopover, hasURL: true
      [2023-12-30 23:01:49] NewTabViewController ID 12: updatePopoverSourceView
      [2023-12-30 23:01:49] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x1370c17b0; frame = (0 0; 430 751); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x282067040; name = systemGray6Color>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2830db900>>))

        5 days later

        Seraphen Thanks for offering to help clarify this. Can you record a video of the whole process?

          2 months later
          No one is typing