• IP addresses and URLs with invalid certificate do not ask to skip and do not load

  • BugsMobileDone

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open the browser and try to load any URL or IP address with an invalid or self signed SSL certificate.
  • The browser will not ask to the user to continue without certificate validation and will not load the page.
  • The page will stay blank.
  • Vlad replied to this.
    11 days later

    Vlad hey! To be honest, there are no steps to provide. Every single website with an expired (or self signed) security certificate exhibits this behaviour. This mostly happens on local networks, for example in my enterprise's local network, where we have an intranet server with a certificate authority and a self signed certificate, if I try to log on to the website using Safari or Firefox I get the "this site is not safe" prompt, but I can proceed anyway. With Orion this does not happen. I do not get any warning and the site simply refuses to load. I hope I've been clearer than before, because even providing a screenshot would be a little pointless at this point. I can, though, if you need ond

    • Vlad replied to this.


      every single website with an expired (or self signed) security certificate exhibits this behaviour.

      We just need URL to one.

        Vlad the ones that I have access to are on my local network and cannot be exposed. If I find one on the internet I’ll give you the URL

          5 months later

          matkam OK can you clarify what is the issue here (or what does Orion does differently than Safari?)

            Vlad Orion completely refuses to load the link, as if you never tried to visit it. No message, or any indication that the SSL certificate is invalid. Safari will show a warning page about an invalid SSL certificate, and will let you import/trust the certificate in order to load the page.

              Here is a screenshot from Safari

                And a screen cap of how Orion handles clicking the URL:

                  Interestingly, Orion for Mac works as expected.

                    matkam I get this, as expected, and as in Safari.

                    I am noticing you are uploading iOS screenshots, although this thread is tagged as desktop, which could explain the confusion

                      Vlad yes. Sorry for splitting up my screenshots and screen cap over 3 posts. I noticed the same in my last post. This bug must have been fixed for desktop, but not iOS, since this discussion was first created.

                      No one is typing