Steps to reproduce:

  • Open 10 tabs in Orion
  • Rotate your phone
  • Switching between landscape and portrait seems laggy, parts of the screen turn black
  • Open tabs are revealed, I guess this isn‘t ideal at all.
  • None of this happens in Safari

Expected behavior:

  • A user experience as smooth as in Safari

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
1.2.5, iOS16.4, iPhone 12 mini


    5 months later

    @rosenrot have you continued to see this issue? I can't seem to reproduce it locally. It looks like the blur is happening on a delay instead of simultaneously with the system's rotation animation, which shouldn't be the case.

      nanoscrew Yes, it just happened. It looks like the blur comes after the rotation.

      Thus it reveals my bookmarks and my recently viewed websites, which isn't really great.

        rosenrot I was able to see it happen once today on my device. Do you have any reproduction steps that I could follow to make it happen on my development setup?

          I'm on an iPhone 12 mini and it happens once there are 50+ tabs open but it seems to be self-healing at some stage. The blur kicks in too late but when trying more often it kicks in just at the right moment.

          I'm not really helpful right now to reproduce. Overall, Safari seems far more advanced in switching the screen.

          What I see on Orion is that my home screen shows up as well as my opened tabs, not sure why this is happening at all when rotating the screen.

            a month later

            nanoscrew I just follow up as this issue is persisting and reproducable on my phone. It takes ages to rotate with 130 tabs open and still too long if there is only one tab open.

            The reveal of the open browser tabs during the rotation isn’t great neither.

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