- Edited
Steps to reproduce:
Click on the top bar to show bookmars, the name of the folders overlap each other making impossible to read.
In my the Preferiti folder name overlap with a folder name inside that folder, which is Degoogle.
Then If you click back button when inside a folder, it will prompt you back not to the "previous" (hierarchy speaking) folder, but to top overall folder. Also, at the top it shows still the name of the wrong previous folder.
In my case if I go into Deggogle folder (Preferiti > Degoogle) and then click the back button, it will go back to Bookmarks (Degoogle > Preferiti > Bookmars) and no to Preferiti.
Expected behavior:
Not to have this visual glitch and tha back button to make you go to previous folder and not to overall top folder.
Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
MacBook Air M1 (macOS Ventura 13.2 build 22D49)