MetaMask, the ubiquitous browser crypto wallet does not populate its popup box on any page, content blockers/ITP or not. Neither the Firefox nor Chrome versions of the extension works. I'm guessing that this is just because MetaMask uses some extension API that hasn't been shimmed yet.

All the console has to say is:

[Log] Setting up Sentry Remote Error Reporting for 'production': SENTRY_DSN (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.Object.hasOwn (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%ArrayPrototype%.findLast (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%ArrayPrototype%.findLastIndex (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%ArrayPrototype%.@@unscopables.findLast (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%ArrayPrototype%.@@unscopables.findLastIndex (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%StringPrototype%.at (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%Uint32ArrayPrototype%.sort (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%TypedArrayPrototype%.findLast (user-script:10, line 13)
[Log] Removing intrinsics.%TypedArrayPrototype%.findLastIndex (user-script:10, line 13)

I've also attached the network log, too, just in case (zipped because the forum doesn't allow plain text files).

    8 months later

    @Vlad hello I see that you added done tag to it and I updated my browser to 0.99.177-beta version and saw that metamask fixed on the changelogs but I see no difference.
    Still doesn't work.
    Chrome version pops up the metamask box but always shows loading spinner. Same as before.
    Firefox version is not even pops up when you click the extension icon.

    • dino replied to this.

      I tried firefox version again, still no pop up but opens metamask as a new tab, setup was pretty buggy but I managed to add my wallet to it but yet after adding the wallet to metamask loggining is not possible.
      Typing my password but just spins.
      I don't know how to give error logs but It would be awesome if you create a dummy wallet and try yourself.

      This is the only error log I can share so far, when trying to login metamask.

        bootecia Firefox version shows the popup and then sends to setup page.

        Can you please create a video and share here to better understand the issue? As the issue says MetaMask extension doesn't load and now with 0.99.117 this started loading.

          @dino I tried to change the language to English but I couldn't manage to do that sorry. I had to record in my own langauge.

          So I will describe whats going on as text as with the video.
          1- As you can see in the video, after installing it weird stuff begins to happen. For example at 00:21 it asks me if I want to help them improve by cookies, I click "no thanks" multiple times but nothing happens.
          So I had to refresh instead of normal setup.
          After restart the button works.
          2- After that I fill my secret phases and password and you see that a pending loading stuck. Almost all loading screens stuck, you can see all over the video. None of the loadings succeed. All of them stuck. I had to refresh to skip all loadings.
          3- At the near end of the video I went to a random website to check metamask, and connect my wallet. Usually when you click connect wallet buttons on any website like at the 01:41 a metamask popup should appear automatically. Its a must. But it doesn't show up, instead I manually have to click metamask icon to see it.(01:48)
          4- When I manually bring the metamask popup front, I press "next" button and then "connect" button on metamask but it doesn't connect, refresh on the website is normal but no connection happens. Metamask went into a infinite loop.

          I would like to give you a secret wallet phase to test it yourself but its dangerous, so you can create one for yourself for free by selecting the other option at 00:18 on my video, the right one. Should be called "create wallet" in your language.(so you can see the bugs on the wallet creation step yourself I didn't record that phase)


            bootecia Unfortunately video is not playing due to some access restrictions may be, but still the details you mentioned are really helpful, to understand the issue. Thanks a lot.

              You must see it now, I don't know how to do else to make it public

              • Vlad replied to this.

                bootecia I also do not see the video. Try uploading to streamable.com

                  2 months later
                  6 months later

                  Hi in my case I still can't login to Metamask nor Rabby.
                  Once I click on an extension to open it I can't click it again until I reset browser.

                  • dino replied to this.
                    18 days later

                    patogg Can you please share what Orion version you are using and macOS version as-well 🙂

                      macOS v12.6
                      Orion v0.

                      Modal currently pops up now, great. That wasn't in the previous versions, however you can see from the video that it bugs out and still requires me to click the icon.

                        a month later

                        patogg "We have the same version and the same issue here. This Firefox add-on does not pop up.

                          3 months later

                          Steps to reproduce:
                          Simply install Metamask extension as shown in this video
                          As you can see, I've tried both Chrome and Firefox versions of Metamask extension but none of them works, it will get stuck on loading.
                          Also note that I've already tried restarting browser and easy troubleshooting procedures
                          Please don't come up with hey I've got it working, it's a YOU problem , there's clearly something going on here

                          Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                          Orion v0.
                          macOS Ventura 13.4.1 on M1 MacBook Air 2020

                          Screen record on streamable at this link