The first thing that catches the eye after using Safari is the favicon icons in Orion. They're rendered in low quality.

Steps to reproduce:
Open two tabs, open any page with favicon

Expected behavior:
High quality favicon rendering.

Orion and macOS: (WebKit 613.1.10)
macOS 10.14.6



    9 months later

    This is particularly bad on non HDPI screens:



    4 months later

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open a Website such as primevideo.com or github.com or developer.apple.com
    2. Bookmark the Tab (or don't just demonstrates the issue in the bookmark as well)
    3. Open the same website in any other browser

    Expected behavior:
    Orion should display consistant and proper favicons.
    My preference would be the same as Chromium as they seem to be the highest quality, no background, consistant colour icons.

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
    MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey 12.6.2 build 21G320)

    Prime Video:

    • Orion:
    • Safari
    • Brave/Chrome

    Apple Developer: (Weirdly normal apple website is fine)

    • Orion
    • Safari
    • Brave/Chrome


    • Orion
    • Safari
    • Brave/Chrome
    Merged 2 posts from Improper Favicon in Tab and Bookmark.
      Vlad changed the title to Blurry or improper favicon .
        a month later
        4 days later

        Dont think its done, i have the same thing with certain websites, its seems Orion is applying some sort of smoothing on lower res icons.

        On the latest version there are some improvements to favicons, smoothing etc as @Longely said, however it still often pulls incorrect favicons for certain websites

          @Vlad All of my above examples here are still no different, specifically note Prime Video which using an entirely different favicon to the other browsers, I'll try and find some more examples soon

            Its less obvious on screenshots then IRL, but if you use accesibility support to zoom with ctrl you can get Pixel acurate view where its clear Orion is applying some sort of smoothing, you can argue this is a desired feature of the browser since it makes them look less pixelated compared to Safari. but i think it makes the tabs with smoothing stand out from the rest, like they are out of focus. so would prefer it pixel sharp







            I can scale them correctly later on another computer in Photoshop if not obvious from theese photos.

              Oddly enough. with Discord it seems to be the oposite. but it could be that Safari just pulls a completly differently favicon. but even so, the smoothing aplication in Orion for some reason doesnt doesnt apply there



                Also sometimes the favicon is just missing from the tabs bar but not if i click in the adress bar

                  Which brings me to a new discovery, in the case of of Discord the one used in the adress bar looks correct, where the one in in the tabs bar looks flawed

                    youtube acts like Discord. no smoothing aplied, but seems like Safari is getting a better favicon

                    So yeah seems like theres alot of different things going on. and that its very common


                      is an example of using a completly different one


                        The Favicons in the horizontal tab bar are heavily pixelated / Lack smoothing

                        Steps to reproduce:

                        Expected behavior:
                        Crisp and smooth looking icons like in Safari

                        Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
                        MacBook Pro (macOS Ventura 13.2 build 22D49)

                          Merged 2 posts from Favicons lack smoothing.