• Window -> Mute This Tab/Mute Other Tabs are always greyed out

  • BugsDesktopDone

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Play any media with audio in Orion
  2. Go to Window -> Mute this tab/Mute Other tabs
  3. Notice that the buttons are always greyed out, even if there is something to be muted
  4. Right clicking the tab and selecting Mute Tab works as expected

Expected behavior:
Window -> Mute this tab/Mute Other tabs should be able to be clicked and they should function as their names would suggest.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version 0.99.122-beta (WebKit 615.1.11.7)
Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
MacBook Air M1 (macOS Ventura 13.2 build 22D49)


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