Closed all windows, then went to clear the history. Crashed as soon as the history menu tried to open. Replicated the crash 5 times. Did not crash if any window was left open.

Steps to reproduce:
Open Orion
Close window by clicking on red circle
Click Bookmark menu in menu bar
Move mouse over History menu
Application crash

Expected behavior:
History menu to open

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion 0.99.122-beta (WebKit 615.1.11.7)
macOS Version 12.6.1 (Build 21G217)



    Cleared my history and it no longer happens. My history shown in the menu was about 15-20 items (my email, linkedin, and github). The menu opened fine as long as a window was open.

    After clearing my history, I can't reproduce. I submitted a crash report when prompted, so hopefully that will help.

      10 months later

      Unable to reproduce this anymore. Can be marked as done @Vlad

      No one is typing