• Highlighting an entry from History does not insert the URL into the address bar

  • BugsDesktopDone

Steps to reproduce:

Inside the address bar, enter a word that yields some suggestions from the browsing History (in the example below "kitty").

Highlight a result with either

  • Ctrl-N / Ctrl-P
  • Down Arrow / Up Arrow
  • Mouse

Notice that the text in the address bar is not the URL of the entry, but rather parts of the page title mixed with other things (?).

Expected behavior:

The word I typed, which yielded the History results, is replaced with the URL of the entry I highlighted.

Rationale: I often use my history to complete some URL I already visited, then type Right Arrow to return to the Address Bar and edit that URL.

For example, complete github.com/some-project/some-repo/issues/1234 from History, edit, remove issues/1234 to navigate to the repo of the GitHub issue I last visited.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:

Version (WebKit 614.1.20)
MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey 12.6 build 21G115)



Microsoft Edge, for comparison:

    a year later

    Currently, highlighting a result as described in the report still isn't 100% consistent. What is consistent, however, is that after highlighting an entry and hitting the right arrow key causes the URL to be inserted into the URL bar. This allows for editing as was requested in the report. Curiously, only the right arrow key causes this behavior. Hitting left, or using the emacs navigation keys C-f or C-b does not work.

    In other words, this is very close to being fixed.

    a year later

    laiz yes it's been working as intended for quite a while now. Thanks for closing Vlad!

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